Chapter 3

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Hook and Emma arrived at the loft to find everyone there.

"Where were you guys?" David asked.

"I told you we were getting coffee" Emma shot back.

"So, where was she?" David questioned sitting down on the couch.

"She was by Zelena's barn house." Hook answered.

"So now that we know her location, we have to find a plan on how to defeat her." Rumple said.

"Gold and I will figure things out, everyone else can go home" David said.

Emma was about to leave when David stopped her.

"Be careful with Hook" he told her.

"What?" She asked.

"You heard me." David said with a smile before letting go of her.

Emma smiled and walked out to find Hook waiting for her.

"Let's go" I say and we go back to my apartment.

~Emma's apartment~

They walk in and Emma puts her keys on the counter.

"So what now?" Hook asked followed by a cough.

"You okay?" She asked placing her hand on his forehead.

"You have a fever, your burning up" she said caressing his cheek.

"I think I can survive a little fever" he said slightly rolling his eyes.

"I'm still giving you Tylenol" Emma said walking to her room and taking the pill bottle out of a drawer.

"What's that?" Hook asked as she hands him the pill.

"It's medicine, take it" she said giving him a glass of water.

He pops the pill in his mouth taking a sip of water.

"You'll feel better soon" she said smiling.

He smiled back at her "what do you suppose we do now" he asked.

"Well, I have something in mind" she smirked.

"What would that be?" He grinned.

She walked up close to him tugging at his collar, "new clothes" she said and quickly kissed him.

"New clothes?" He questioned.

"Yes. Were not in fairy tale land anymore, it's time to get you out of this leather", she said turning around to grab her keys from the counter.

"Where are we going?" He asked as she walked over to the front door.

"Shopping." She said before heading out the door.

He quickly followed after her.


"How did you trap her last time?" David asked as he and Rumple sat in the back of the pawn shop.

"Well, like I said, I was able to trap her in that vase" Rumple answered.

"Maybe we can get her into another vase, trap her again." David pointed out.

"Highly unlikely, the vase I trapped her in was especially to keep her out", he explained.

"Can you make another one?" David asked.

"Yes, but we need a strand of her hair. And that my friend is going to be very complicated to get", Rumple said as he stood up from the wooden stool.

"So how do you propose we do it?"

"Magic." Rumple said with a smile and wide eyes.


"Swan, I don't think this is a good idea." Hook said as they entered the store.

"You'll see how comfortable you'll feel in these", she said walking over to the shirts, "how about this one?" Emma asked holding out a black v-neck.

"It's alright" he said looking at the shirt, "you're trying it on" Emma said picking out a few more shirts.

They walked to the jean section and picked out a pair of baggy blue jeans.

While Emma was looking around something caught Hook's eye.

He picked up a black leather jacket and walked back to Emma, "what do you think?", he asked holding out the jacket.

She smiled looking at

the jacket "I like it".

They walked to the dressing room and he walked in with all the clothes in hand and tried them on.

A few minutes later he walked out with the pair of blue jeans along with the black v-neck and the leather jacket.

"How do I look?" He asked Emma who stood up from the chairs that were alined in front of the dressing room.

She eyed him up and down "Wonderlful", she smiled walking

over to him.

He wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her in for a kiss.

"Go try on the rest so we can go home" she said pulling away from the kiss.

"Alright" he smiled letting go of her and tried on the rest.

After he tried on all the clothes they checked out and went home.


When they got to her apartment, Emma put all the bags on the floor

next to her bed with his help.

"You're staying here today" she said as she walked back to the living room.

"Not that I'm complaining but why?" He asked as he followed her.

"You have a fever, I'm not letting you out of my sight", she said sitting on the couch.

"I'm fine", he explained sitting beside her, "Your staying. That's final." Emma said.

"Alright, I'll stay" he finally agreed laying down on the couch.

She laid down with him resting her head on his chest. They stayed like that and soon both fell asleep.

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