Chapter 17

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Author's note:

I am starting to think that my story is getting SO confusing and bad, oml what to do. I hope it will get better, when they all get reunited, so the story happens the same place. 

Let me know what you think! Confusing and bad, or maybe not?

Well, enjoy anyway!

- When i write my story in cursive, it normally means they are dreaming. So just assume that every time you see my text in cursive -

(Belle's POV)

"Good morning, sleepyhead." I heard a familiar voice say, as i opened my eyes. Without knowing what i said, i opened my mouth.

"Good morning." I stood up from the bed and stretched my arms and legs. He stood there in the doorway, smiling at me.

"I've missed you." He said and walked towards me. I just stood by the bed, blushing and waiting for him. As he reached me, he wrapped his long, strong arms around me. He reached out to kiss me, but i pulled back, giggling.

"I haven't brushed my teeth yet. I surely have a disgusting morning breath." I said and looked at him with an apologizing look.

"I don't care." He said and placed his lips at mine. As he pulled back, i played with his long, blond hair.

"Let's go get some breakfast." He said and quickly kissed my forehead. I grabbed his hand and we walked out of my room, towards the eating place.

"Good morning, you two shanks." Minho said as we sat down at his table. He blinked at us and Newt reached out and friendly punched him on his shoulder.

"I'm starving." Chuck said as he also sat down beside me. We all stood up and collected our breakfast, when Thomas arrived.

"Thomas, have you fed the Grievers yet?" Newt suddenly asked. What the hell? I don't know why, but i laughed. I laughed hard.

"What are you laughing at?" Minho asked and everyone looked confused at me.

"We can't feed the Grievers." Instead of laughing, i now giggled. These guys were insane.

"What are you talking about? We do it every day?" It was now Thomas' turn to say something.

"Haha, funny. Then what are you feeding them with? Grass? Bacon and eggs? Gladers?" I said, but stopped giggling when i saw their facial expressions.

"We do what they tell us to do." Chuck said. I looked confused at them, but they just kept looking at me, like i had said something wrong. This was getting creepy.. And weird. It felt like something was wrong. Nothing felt real.

"And who are "they" if i may ask?" I asked to no one in particular, but they all answered immediately.

"The Creators."

Newt suddenly stood up and handed me his hand. I grabbed it and let him drag me away from the other guys. He dragged me all the way to the Homestead, where we stopped behind the building. He looked deeply into my eyes.

"You know i love you right?" He asked.

"I do." I said, but it wasn't me answering. He doesn't love me. Newt doesn't love me. But i couldn't say something else. It was like someone was controlling this scenario.

"Then why don't you do what they tell you to?" He asked. What the hell was wrong with my boys today?

"Who?" I just asked.

"The Creators. Do you know what they'll do if you don't do as told?" He asked and i shook my head. He lifted a finger and drove it over his throat, trying to tell me that they would kill him. Deepest down i knew it wasn't true, that something was controlling me. That something was controlling him. And the ones that controlled me, decided to make me scared.

"I promise i will do as they tell me to!" I said and hugged him, but he didn't hug me back.

"I did as told. You didn't. I won't get punished. You will." He said and i pulled out of the hug immediately. His eyes radiated rage.

"Newt?" The way he looked at me, made me writhe. He suddenly grabbed my throat and tried to strangle me.

"Newt... Let.. Go!" I tried to pull his hands away, but he was too strong. I gasped for breath, but only wasted it, when i couldn't get more.

"Newt.." The voices of cheering Gladers faded and my sight became blurry.

"Remember me.." Newt said as a whole new person, the person i knew, right before everything went black and i couldn't breathe anymore.

The Crank Experiment 2 -  Betray the betrayers (Maze Runner)Where stories live. Discover now