Chapter 11

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"Aaah!" a little girl screamed. She was hit by a ball that caused her glasses to fall and be shattered.

"Hey, stop crying, you cry baby! Throw the ball back to us already!" said the boy that hit her. Instead of doing as he says, she continued to cry. The boy approached her and pulled her neck tie. Because his grip was too tight, she was running out of air.

"Why are you so uncooperative?! Why didn't you just do what he wanted you to do?! Stupid girl!" his playmates laughed.

"Stop that!" another boy ran up to where we were to stop us. They all stopped laughing but now staring at the poor child.

"And who are you to stop us?" he put down the girl who was catching her breath.

The boy who was bullying the girl was now attacking the boy. The playmates helped him by holding him in one place. Some were kicking him, punching him, scratching him, but he never cried or seeked for help.

The boy looked at the girl who he thought was escaping. Little did they know what she was thinking.

I need to get help! she exclaimed.

"Hahaha, she left!" the bullies repeatedly said.

"Stop that!" they all stopped laughing when they caught sight of the little girl and a teacher heading towards them.

"Scramble!" The boy shouted. Everyone ran away and she helped the boy go to the clinic while the teachers were finding the kids.

They ordered her to stay until the nurse came back.

Dismissal came and her parents were looking for her so she made a letter for him.

soWWy tat you haft to deel wiht my FrOblem!

She then wrapped a piece of her glasses into a paper so he has something to remember her by. Her parents tugged her away but she escaped their grip and hugged the boy one last time.

I woke up in the deafening silence of the hospital. I was in the hospital because I was looking out for the guy who was sleeping that I didn't start to notice that I was falling, falling asleep.

Because I had nothing better to do, I kept on poking his arms that were full of scratches and wounds.

I also realized that if I were fast enough, I could've saved the school, I could've protected myself, I could've rescued him.

I swore that I will kill the ones responsible for the explosion and the bombs.

I then got tired of poking so I just stared and studied his face. Come to think of it, what was his name again? I don't think I've ever heard his name before.

He was so at peace that I was wondering that he was probably dreaming about good things. He's like a macaron, hard and tough on the outside but soft, sweet and chewy on the inside.

"Hi Chariza," he said with a smile.

"Hello," I said calmly.

After our greetings, no one talked again until a few seconds that my mind had processed what was happening.

My eyes widened with shock and surprise.

"Aaaaaaaaah! Youre awake!" I shouted "W-Wait, I'll just call a doctor."

I stood up and was supposed to get a doctor when he caught my hand.

"D-Don't leave me..." after that, he fell unconscious again. I removed his hand and placed it in his stomach and left.

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