Star Snaps.

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Star and Moon were walking home from school. They only started today.

Meteor was picking them up. Meteor was kind of a monster. He was a wolf who could turn human.

Meteor: So, how was your first day at school today?

Moon: -He was deaf, but he had hearing aids so he could hear- It was.. R..really awesome! We learned about the civil war!

Meteor: That so?

Moon: Yeah! Wasn't it cool Star?

Star: Well, I guess it was K I N D of funny to hear all those men getting killed on the battle field.

Moon and Meteor laugh a little.

Meteor: hehe. . Yeaah.

A woman stood next to Meteor, giving him a disgusted look while Meteor looked confused.

The 4 start to cross the road, the woman went quickly while the 3 left behind went slow.

A car nearly hit Moon and Meteor.

Moon and Meteor: ! ! !

Star: -she runs to see if Moon was ok-

Man: -He was in the car, driving still- GET OUT OF THE WAY YOU F***ING MONSTER!

Star: -she gives a slight glare-

The 3 walk to the path. .

Moon: Well. . That wasn't very nice. .

Meteor: Well. . Some people are just rude and there's nothing you can do 'bout it. But don't worry about it, they're nothing but a bunch of knuckle heads.

Moon: -he laughs a little- Hehaha.

Star: Ugh. .

A man bumped into Meteor on purpose. (Gonna call him Bob XD)

Bob: Tch, better be more careful you freak.

Meteor glares while Star has this wicked grin on her face.

Star suddenly teleported in front of Bob. (I can't stop laughing irl)

Star: So. . You hate monsters, huh? Do you T H I N K you'll get away with that?

Bob was surrounded by a box, his soul was Integrity.

Star: Hehe. . Guess you hate me too R I G H T?

Knives surround Bob. He looked terrified.

Bob: ()-()!!

Star: -hate started crying out of her eyes-,Well. Let me remind you of one thing. I am not a M O N S T E R. I am a H U M A N. Just. Like. Y o u. So your no better than M E. And if I hear that S * * T Come out of your mouth again. .

Bob: I..I won't. . I..I swear!

Star smiles and lets him go. Bob runs away, crying.

Meteor: I knew there was something I liked about that kid.

Star smiles.

Moon: C'mon Star! Let's go tell [You] about what you did!

Meteor: Better not do that. .

Star: Yep. . You'd be. . D U N K E D on. .

Moon: Heheh!

Meteor: You need professional help. . haha.

[With you]

You were doing something. I don't know what. .

Until you hears the door to the house open and close.

Moon: Guess what!!

*Ask what happend*


*Be a meanie.*

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