S h o o t.

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You tried asking Star what was going on. .

No response.

You tried giving her chocolate. .

She refused. .

You try and hug her. .

She squirmed and whined. .

You gave up.

One day. . You were talking to Moon

[You]: She just won't do anything. .

Moon: She's just mad. . She'll be b..better soon--

Moon froze, his eyes slowly widening as he stepped back a little. .

Moon: P..Put that down. . N..Now.

You ask what's wrong.

Moon: B..Behind you. .

????: DON'T. MOVE.

You freeze. You recognise the voice. Star..


You turn around only to hear a gun shot, you saw a bullet on the ground. You look at Star. She was holding a gun.. And it looked like she held it before.. She was holding it no problem.. And when she shot it. She didn't flinch.

You tell her to drop it. But she doesn't reply.

Star: Put your hands behind your back.. If you want to live. Then do it..

You do what she says.

Moon didn't. .

Star: Moon. .

Moon froze, he was shaking..

Star smirked and shot the gun, she shot Moon.. At the stomach.

Moon screamed, he fell to his knees, clutching his stomach, the bullet didn't go all the way through. .


She turned to you. .

Star: You BETTER listen. Don't want to end up like Moon here. . R I G H T?

The others were away, you and Moon were.. Alone..

Star: Just stay where you are. .

Do you. .

*Listen to her?

*Go and help Moon?


*Run inside the house to get help?

Consequences. .

Star's Little Life Of Random Days.Where stories live. Discover now