A New Friend!

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Star: GGUUYYYSSS!! ;-;.. There's someone on the cliff. I wanted to watch the sunset.

Sun: It's like 12pm.

Star: Sure. Whatever. But there is someone there. They're kind of.. Different. They aren't wearing normal clothing as I'd expect..

Space: I'll check it out with you, Star. Y/N, wanna come along?

You look up from doing whatever and you give this stare of: Lemme think.

Time seemed to stop and 3 options seemed to have appeared. Without hesitation: You press: Yes.

You go to the cliff Star usually goes to, only to find a girl with darkish green hair fading to minty green. Her dress was a kimono(is that what it is called? XD) and she had a weird tail that looked like a heart dragon tail and weird things on her head and purple eyes.

 Her dress was a kimono(is that what it is called? XD) and she had a weird tail that looked like a heart dragon tail and weird things on her head and purple eyes

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Star: You two stay here! I'll introduce myself like a polite girl should!

Space: You're nowhere near poli-

Star: HHIISSSS- *She smiles and walks towards this wtf she even is.*

Star: U..Uhm.. Hello, Ma'am! Are you lost?

The girl looks towards Star...

???: Y..Yes. My apologises if I'm bothering you, but the view here is very pleasant.

Star smiles, well she seemed nice right now.

Star: Well.. My name is Star! It's a pleasure meeting you!

???:.. M..My name is..

She seems very nervous.

What do you do?:

Time seemed to stop again: You have a timer- 10 seconds for you to decide.

1)> Politely reassure the girl that we mean no harm and tell her she can calm down.

2)> Threaten the girl, afterall, you don't know her.

3)> Kill da girl- SHE SUSPICIOUS- she also stole Star's cliff.

4)> Stay still and talk to Space to what she could be as she didn't look like an ordinary human- or a human-Animal for that matter.

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