Nearly EveryAU is the Same.

43 2 133

Star was reading a book. For once.

Sun comes in the room Star is in.

Sun: Staaarrr I got a question-- 2 questions. .

Star: Yeah?

Sun: Well. . 1. . I thought you couldn't read?

Star: I'm learning! >~<

Sun: -facepalms- Anyway. Can I ask my other question.

Star: Suuree.

Sun: Wanna go to Undertal--

Star: No.

Sun: What?! Why?

Star: I'll get attacked.

Sun: No, you won't--

Star: You say that all the time! Yet, I get attacked! It's like you just say that so I will come! And then you just abandon me in that AU and you always come up with an excuse for why you left!

Sun was too shocked to say anything.

Star: And yet. . You know I get attacked. . -she starts to cry-

Sun: Star the reason I leave is--

Star: -hey eyes glow red- N O! . . No more of your L A M E E X C U S E S.

Sun: It's your fault for being attacked.

Star: . . . W H Y. B L A M E. ME? WHEN IT IS Y O U R. F A U L T. .

Tears were streaming down Star's face, before anybody could stop her, she ran into her room, slamming the door shut and locking it.

[Try to comfort Star]


[Confront Sun?]

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