School. (Not a Chapter)

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Ok. I feel better now. But any way.
School starts roughly around 2 weeks for me
Which means.
1. At times around at 21:00 and above for you guys. I possibly might not be on if you live in a different country than me. A H E M. America. Because mostly everyone is from there.
My timezone is 5 hours above yours so whatever time it for you. 5 hours ahead is my time.
If it was 03:00pm
It would be 08:00pm for me.
Understand so..
I most likely won't be role-playing much as I want to. Because I have to get up at 7:00am which is like 2:00Am for Americans. If you don't live in America then.. -.- idk. Sometimes different states of America have 8 hours behind my time zone so yep.

School things.

*Wake up: 7:00Am or 7:05am.
*Breakfast: 7:05am-7:30am or less.
*School clothes- 5 minutes.
*Time on phone: Roughly about 5 or 10 minutes
*Leaving my house to go to bus: 7:55am.
Bus arrives: Above 8:00Am.
Arrive at school: 8:25am or 8:30am.

So I possibly might have data on phone.

My school does not allowed phones or any devices (except computers) unless you are a big high year. Probably when you're going to leave to school. We're allowed to bring them. But not allowed them to be out at all. Not ever at break or lunch. Some people go to the bathrooms to go on phones. But I'm not that type of person.. Sorry.

School ends around: 3:30pm. But. But. I get home at 4:00pm. Which means. Less time.
But then we got. Buses breaking down. Or just late. We're allowed our phones when school is over. And then we get.. Everybody's favourite SUBJECT: MMMAAATTTHHHH.

Take 2.

Everybody's favourite thing! Homework!! Note sarcasm.
I am quick with my homework. But since high school.. Much harder. I'm in my second slyear of homeschool. Yes. Last year was my first. Yes I'm growing up. Be proud brothers, sisters, parents, relatives. Love you all. You know who you are. Lolololol.


What else is there to worry about. Ah.

Keep in mind. Studying for tests are important. Won't be on much.
Also. Got to share sometime.
Every year at school there is this big test. And it's when we have tests all week long. For the entire school day. Monday to Friday. Well. Only 1 test of Friday. You know what that means? :3

MORE STUDYING!! Why am I saying all of my school problems now? If you know me well. I got memories like a dead goldfish.

Winter break. Hehehe. 2 weeks of no school. Then.
We got a school play. Every 2 years. Luckily none this year.


Man. Feels like summer tests were just a week ago.
Anyways. Summer. Barely any homework.
But. Summer tests.
Same as winter only much harder. Winter is what we learned from the start to the winter tests.
Summer is from all we learned up to September. The winter tests AND. Up until the summer tests.

What's worse my birthday is on the day of the summer tests. At least I will know when the tests start XD. Unless my birthday is on a Saturday or Sunday.

Then after the summer tests around the end of school year. We have...
My favourite event. SPORTS DAY! I love sports day! I love it a lot! I'm not doing any running events.. It's not like I can't do it. It's just. I get really sick easily after running. And the races are really hard. We get 100m (A line). 200m(half of the pitch) 400m(the whole pitch) and 800m(whole pitch twice, and some people even go for the mile! Around 3 or 4 laps around the pitch. And trust me. That pitch. Is huge.

And then. The end of the year. I might to to the beach with a few friends of mine. And If you know me well. I only hang out with boys. And if any of you come over to me and the boys and start being like: NU TOUCHE DA CHILD. Since you guys could be protective as hell for all I know. AHEM AHEM AHEM. RorioTime Ellisoth

Love you 2 as siblings-
I am a grown girl! (Don't act like it. Plus you don't known where I live so yay but sad yay since I wanna meet them secretly. XD)

Plus they're my bestfriends! They wouldn't hurt me! :D

Anyways that's all I wanted to say. And if there is any other events I might be at and won't be on. I'll let you all know <3

797 words that all took holy cow.

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