A Nice Memory & P R A N K S.

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It's actually a nice day.
Nothing was going wrong.
But knowing now, it's gonna get jinxed.

Meteor: STAR!!


Meteor was chasing Star after she pranked him by painting his room pink.

Star: C'MON! Don't you like it?

Meteor: -_- -Puts it back to normal with just a click of a finger- I'll kill you later. . I have to check on Space. -teleports-

Star: Hmm. . I'm bored. . And pranking people is getting boring too. . Well. One more prank. .

Star runs over to Sun.

Star: -About to prankher with water-

Sun: Hey, Star?

Star: Yeh?

Sun: Name 1 thing you are happy you did but sad it didn't end up the way you wanted to. Name another thing you don't regret. And name something you do regret.

Star: Oh. . Ok. . Uhm. .

Star: I regret being born and living rn. I don't regret killing my family when I was 5.

Star: And the thing I'm happy with but sad that it didn't end up the way I wanted to was falling underground. I went to fall to commit suicide. But instead I hurt my ankle and just met lots of monsters and all!! Remembered it like it happend yesterday. ^~^

Sun: Ok. The real 3 questions is. . Why do you regret it. Why do you not regret it. Why did you try to commit suicide? Hm, I asked you this before yet you never A N S W E R E D.

Star: Well would you look at the time! It's my turn to see Space! Hahaha!

Sun: Wait at least answer me--


Star pours water over Sun and runs.

Sun: STAR!! You know you're not allowed to pour water on me! It could damage my system and I might not be able to hack ever again!!

Star: HEHE!

*Help Sun and make sure she is alright


*Stop Star and talk to her about these 'pranks'

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