Chocolate Obsession?

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Space: -stealing Star's chocolate From the fridge- . . .

Sun: Dude. You're so dead.

Moon: Why so you want to-- ()-()... R U N. -teleports-

Sun: Hm?~ Oh no~ Good luck Space~

Space: Wha?-- Oh. ..Crud.

Star was there, with HATE in her eyes. . Crying HATE too.

Star: ખ ђ α τ ∂ ѳ ყ ѳ ષ τ ђ ¡ ท ઝ ყ ѳ ષ α√૨ ૯ ∂ ѳ ¡ ท g? . . 。●‿●。

Space: F***. .

Star: g ¡ √ ૯ ʍ ૯. ʍ y. ૮ ђ ѳ ૮ ѳ ℓ α τ ૯.

Space: No.

Meteor: YOU'RE DEAD. .

. . . . . .
2 days later.

Space: What the. . What happend. .

Sun: Star stabbed you with a knife. I thought you knew that the number one rule is: Don't take Star's chocolate.

Star: ¡ ∂ѳท'τ ૨૯g૨૯τ ¡τ.

Space: Of course you don't. Why stab me though? How long have I been out for?

Sun: 2 days. And Star has not calmed down. So I tied her to this chair :D

Star was indeed tied to a chair.

Star: Բ*** y ѳ ષ


Space: Why did you tie her in here though?

Sun: To see you suffer~

Star: ¡ ђατ૯ ʍy ℓ¡Բ૯

Space: Same here bud, same here.

Sun: I would actually push her out with the chair but. .

Space: ???

Sun: -tries pushing Star-

Star: Ð Ø Й ' †. M Ø ע ξ. M ξ.

Space: You have a serious chocolate obsession, Star.

Star: ทѳ ¡ ∂ѳท'τ.

Sun: Dude. You killed 1000 people because they tried taking your chocolate. Somehow Space survived. Also Space. She is a D E M O N.  Don't you know her kind of demons hunt down any one who takes her favourite food?

Space: Nope also. . Yay for living. Yay!! :D

Space and Sun left the room. .

You confront Star.

*Yell at her for attacking Space.

*Say she did a good job and try and untie her.

*Untie her, saying nothing.

( ДĊ†łØЙ∫ ĦДעξ ĊØЙ∫ξףŲξЙĊξ∫} =) )

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