
24 2 56

Star: SH*T! F*** F***!!!

Sun: What?


Sun: What? . .

Star:  =) -hear eyes turn a bloody red colour-

Sun: Star?

Star: That's my name. .

Sun: Are you ok?

Star: Never better!~ Why?

Sun: Hmm. . What is 1+1?

Star answers like lightening, like she was Flash or something.

Star: 2, Duh.

Star walks away.

Sun: Yeah we got a problem. She learned math but she never answers T H A T quickly. .

Meteor: I'll keep an eye on her. .-- shoot she went to Undertale.

Sun: Go stalk her then!

Meteor: Spy is a better word. .

Sun: Whatever just. . Go go go!

Meteor teleports to Undertale. . Go along?

*Y e s.

*N o.


Star was killing the monsters in the ruins! While doing this she was giggling like crazy, huh. . What was odd. . Her eyes were light blue now. But of course you can't see that. Y e t. =)

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