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You. Space and Star were walking to school. Moon was sick so he couldn't go.
You may have thrown a fit or something at home saying you didn't want ago but Star made you with her cuteness, plus, you mostly want to go to take care of her. You're mostly in the same classes in her so what could go wrong?

Temskip by a derpy Star-- if anyone wants to see a derpy Star comment down below--

It was lunch. The best subject E V E R.

You were walking to your locker to get your books to your next class.. But.. as soon as you got there. You saw a guy, pinning Star to a locker, she looked terrified and surprised while the guy had a smirk on his face.

Dude: Just gonna call him Bob for now.

Bon smirks
Bob: Heya cutie~

Star: Mmn.. help!..

You look over at Space who.. did not seem too happy.

What do you do?

*Att-- wait! Space that's not what's suppose to happe--

It was too late, Space ran and pinned Bob to the ground, he grabbed a knife and put it to the Bob's throat.

Space: Don't.. you.. D A R E.. Touch her!!

Now what do you do-- Star nu!!

Star pulled Space of Bob and went back. A teacher came and asked what was going on!

Ok.. Now what do you - OH FOR F*** SAKES!

Bob got up..
Bob: He attacked me! The girl did too!

He was lying..

What do you do now?

Tell what really happened.

Stay quiet.

Tell a lie aka you're lying too so you or Bob won't get in trouble because maybe you don't like Star or Space-time



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