Back at School. .

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It has been 2 days since the incident. . You found out Star was beaten up by some kids at her school. Moon was playing football at the time so he never knew.

Star never went to school yesturday, she seemed scared, but faked it off with a smile.

[At Hel-- I mean School]

Star was walking along, talking to Moon, a group of kids were eyeing them, mostly Star.

?????: Look at the freak. .

????: She has a friend? Holy sh*t.

???: Guys, I heard she was a demon. .

?????: Seriously?

???: Yeah. .

??????: I say we beat her up again. She deserves it.

?????: Guys. She's like. . The loner freak who R A N away from our old orphanage.

????: No wonder she looked familiar, heh. She doesn't even remember us. .

Both Star and Moon never heard this thanks to bad hearing.


After Star and Moon ate their lunch. Moon invited Star to play football with him and his friends. She gladly accepted and followed Moon to the football pitch.

The boys playing said she could play.

During playing.

Star manages to score a goal and her team congratulated her while the other team smiles,

1 of the other team members: We can get it back!

While playing. .

Someone was watching Star closely. H E got a hold of the ball and kicked it, he kicked it at Star, luckily she wasn't injured and started running with the ball, dribbling it carefully. She was about to score until H E tackled her, but it was a rough tackle, she fell to the ground, spraining her ankle.

Star: Gah!

????: Oh I'm sorry. Are you ok?

But by the sound of his voice. . be wasn't.

Star: M..mhm.

Moon: Star! Are you ok!?

Star nods, smiling.

Moon helps Star up, it seems she can barely walk.

Moon: Good thing we're in the same class ^-^

Star: Yeah..

[After School] [At home]

Sun: So.. How did you hurt your ankle again?

Star: This boy tackled me roughly and I sprained my ankle. He said he was sorry but. . I don't believe him. .

Moon: He was on the same team as us, right?

Star: Yeah!

[You overhear this conversation]

[What do you do?]

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