A wish?

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Star was smiling today. It was a special day to her. . Wish day.
It was a day she made up.
17/10/17 is when she made the day.

Last year she had made a wish to meet someone who would be friends with them forever. .
And a couple of days later.. She met you.

Sun thought it was stupid and smiled.

Sun: Are you sure it'll work?

Star: I'm positive! I just need to wait- ah!

Star looked up at the first star that appeared in the sky and quickly closed her eyes and mumbled inaudible words.

She opened her eyes soon, smiling.

Star: Now we wait!!~

Space: It sounds stupid to me. .

Star: Oh shut up Space!~

She had said cheerfully.

Space: -_-.. I'm going to sleep. -TELEPORTATION-

Everyone else left except you and Star.

You: So your wish was to meet someone who was a close friend. . and that's. . Me?

Star: Of course. . Stupid. . Why wouldn't I wish for a close friend. . I don't want to be left alone again. . But I also wanted to feel safe around someone. .

You: So that's why. .

You and her stayed silent for a few moments, but then you asked: . .

You: What did you wish for?

Star: I can't tell. If I do. I might not get it. Many people just say "It's a stupid myth. The first star is nothing." But. . I tried everyday. . Waiting for a wish. I give it a week and today, last year I wished for a friend. It came true in 4 days.

You nod, understanding.

You: I'm going to bed. . Cya in the morning.

Star: Goodnight. .

You walk/teleport/run or whatever to your room, and go to sleep after you lay in bed.

Star: I just hope it does come true. .

The next morning--

A squeal of happiness, at.. 7:00am!? Wtf!? You were still so sleepy. . You get up, heading out.

Space: What the hell-- ._. I've seen enough for today.

Star was jumping around, excitedly: It came true!! It came true!! Guess what, guess what!!?

Sun: You became dumber--

Star: Cri. No.

Space: You got infinite energy?

Star: No silly!~ I already have that!!~

You try and guess.

[What do you think she wished for?]

Star's Little Life Of Random Days.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora