Movie Night.

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Sun: Yeah this happens a lot . .

Moon: What are we watching?

Star: -holds up IT, the newest one-

Cloud: S..Star that's--

Space: -pats Cloud's shoulder- Let her have her fun.

Star: :D Hehehe!~~ Movviiee nniigghhhttt. . -hugs the IT disc like it's the only thing she should protect-

Cloud: Fine. .

The movie started before anyone could do anything.
All of them sitting down, enjoying themselves, UNTIL Georgie dies.

Moon: -freaking out and hugging the hell outta Sun-

Sun: Calm down, sweetie~

Star: -was just smiling evily, she has seen this 100000000 of times, the others hasn't surprisingly-

Cloud: -she was freaking out- W..What the!? . .

Meteor and Space: -_-

You come into the room just as this scene shows up... You...

*Freak out.

*Just have a -_- expression.

*Just have an evil expression.

*Simply comfort Moon or Cloud.

*Do whatever the hell you wanna do, I ain't stopping ya. XD

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