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This is my first marvel doc but not my first story all-in-all.

Hope you enjoy and please check out my other stories! Except oceanholics and a hybrids life. They were some of my firsts and are kinda sucky/cringe so.... yeah.

Again I own nothing. Gain nothing. Etc etc.

Now.... enjoy? It may come out bad soooo.... YEET


The god walked with his head held high, chin titled up slightly. No one noticed the slight tremble in his legs. The way his knuckles had turned white as he held the staff. The way his eyes darted this way and that...

No one noticed it. No one but his hawk. Said hawk watched his boss. Eyes tracking every movement. Every action. He didn't seem alright. Didn't seem stable.

"Fledgling." His boss states. Clint straightened, walking closer to his boss.

"Yes sir?" He questioned. The god of trickery watched him. Green eyes dull. Empty.

I wonder what their natural color is... Hawkeye thought. The only thing left of hisself growled. This man was controlling him. He shouldn't wonder about such idiotic concepts.

"Follow me little hawk." He mumbles, walking away from the others. Clint glanced over his shoulder, spotting selvig but turned and followed his boss.

Hawkeye quickly raced after the god, who had went down the hallway and turned into a room.

"Come little hawk." Loki purred. The god of lies was sitting on a bed, beckoning the smaller male over.

Clint moved and  stood in front of the other, waiting for his next command.

"Tell me about your friends." Loki mumbles.

"Natasha?" Clint questions. The haze in his mind rising, giving him an ample amount of control. The haze returns and clint yells within his mind.

The god listens intently as the shorter male spills secret after secret, ones he was sworn to never say.

As his body continues to speak, Clint's mind watches Loki, looking for any form of weakness. Clint notes how the god shakes, how his eyes fart every once in a while. He also notices stuff he shouldn't... like how his skin was a bit to pale, how silky his black raven locks

"Sit little hawk." Loki states, patting his lap. Without hesitance Clint obeys, settling himself in the other males lap.

Loki sighed at the heat of the other male. He missed contact, no matter from who and his hawk was already an important aspect to him.

"Little hawk... what troubles have you gone through?" Loki questions, hands running along Clint's sides. He could feel the scars beneath the fabric.

"Excuse me boss?" He questioned, internally happy to stop spilling secrets.

"I can feel the scars. Not only physically, but mentally." Loki mumbles.

You see, when Loki used the scepter on clint it allowed him so see all of the hawks memories. All of his dreams and nightmares. All of his traumas. If Loki hadn't been shielding his own mind Clint, along with every other one who was under the scepters command, would've seen Loki's memories. Seen and felt his pain. No one deserved to see them.

Clint stayed quiet, watching Loki intently. Even within his own mind he was confused and curious. What did the god mean?

"Your mind. It's connected to mine fledgling." The god continued. He sighed, resting his head on Clint's shoulder.

"You've been through terrible things indeed little hawk." He mumbles.

GET OUTTA MY HEAD! Clint screamed. His memories were personal, he didn't need any psycho god rummaging Around in them.

The god laughed, it was hallow and empty.

"You think I wish to be in your mind hawk? I've been through enough pain. Enough suffering!" He shouted.

"Boss?" Hawkeye questioned, concern for the others state. Not only was it a forced action but somewhat genuine concern.

He's known his fair share of good people turned bad due to trauma. Hell he was one. Natasha was too but they were helped. Changed. Maybe, just maybe, he could help the god.

Loki sighed and lifted his head.

"You wonder little hawk." He mumbles.

"You wish to know, to understand." He hisses slightly.

"You wish for me to tell you." He adds. Hawkeye was internally grateful that he hadn't heard or noticed his other thought.

"Sir are you alright?" Clint questioned. The god laughed.

"I've never been alright!" He laughs, "would you like to know? Like to see my pain?" He questioned.

He hesitated, unsure. He was debating between his true self, the one hidden by the haze, and the other presence in his mind wether it was a good idea or not. If it'd benefit his boss.

"Yes sir." He stated.  The god sighed, the mask he held up until now dropping, showing the tired pain male beneath. Something akin to fear flickered in his eyes.

Loki sighed once more before gently putting his forehead against Barton's.

"Know this little hawk, you'll feel true pin. True hurt. True anger and resentment." He mumbles before an onslaught of memories hit Hawkeye and cause him gasp.

First chapter!!!!!!!! Ayeeee it's ok so please vote and comment and over all enjoy. Their may be stucky or science bros later I'm not sure so yeah.

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