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Clint was, surprisingly, worried for loki. His boss had allowed himself to be taken by his teammates and had yet to try and escape.

Although Clint knew that the way loki acted would be instantly picked up by the avengers, he wasn't sure if they would treat loki like the victim he was.

The bond was still in place but it had become weaker, allowing Clint to fight it more and more. It gave him the minute ability to help sabotage the plans.

He wanted to contact his teammates but he wasn't sure how much they will believe him, so he came up with an even better idea. Instead of getting them to come to him, go to them. Of course it wasn't the most thought out plan, Clint wasn't fully there yet to make it perfect but it was enough.

If they attack the helicarrier to get loki back, he had to find nat and explain to her what was going on. She would understand! If he couldn't get through to her then hopefully she'll take him in.


The days leading up to the attack were tense and it made everyone hostile to each other. Clint's grip on his own mind was strengthening and allowed him to prepare for the plan. It still wasn't perfect but it was enough.

Loki's mind on the other end had not changed, stuck in its disorganized panic filled pain.

This was coming to an end, he could feel it. The second he got aboard the hellicarrier the others will take out the rest of his team so that loki couldn't escape while he allows himself to be taken by Nat. As long as the fog doesn't come back then the plan should go perfectly.

Loki would be in the hulk tank aboard the helicarier. They couldn't just hold him in any cell and it made the most sense!


Upon arriving on the helicarrier clint separated from my group and went straight to the hulk tank, ignoring the calls from his members as he rushes through the ship. When he comes across SHEILD agents he's takes them down, the fog within his mind the main reason behind it. He also did so to prevent them from stopping him from getting to loki.

He takes a sharp turn and throws himself at the door the led to the tank, falling into a roll before popping back up to his feet. He freezes when he sees the tank empty, unable to understand how someone else could have gotten to loki first.


Loki had been resting when the shaking of the ship woke him. He didn't like it, he didn't like it at all.

He wanted to continue to sleep, to sleep on this comfortable bed with all the pillows and blankets. With the fresh food and water and the healing bandages wrapped around his body.

Another quake caused him to sit up, the blue fog within his mind sharpening, shouting at him to get out and get back to work.

He staggered to his feet, shuffling to the door and trying the knob to see if it was locked. Unsurprisingly it was and he frowned, narrowing his eyes he used more force, still the door wouldn't budge.

With a growing sense of frustration, loki sent out a small blast of magic. Instead of just unlocking the door, he unhinged it, causing the door to fall into the hall.

He stumbles over it, hand dragging against the wall as he stumbles, allowing the pull of the scepter to lead him.

He turns a corner and watches as coulson comanda a few groups. They don't notice him at first, all rushing away to secure the air craft. When Phil finally does notice he freezes.

"Loki... what are you doing out of bed?" He questions calmly, hands palm out as he begins to approach the god.

"Let's get you back to bed." He murmurs softly. One of Loki's men turns the corner then, shouting for his attention and startling the god. He steps back, violent tremors wracking his body as the blue fog takes over his mind.

"I don't think I will." He states and with a pulse of magic is back in his armor, his staff in hand.

"Loki-" Phil is cut off with the sound of a bullet, pain following right after within his torso. He collapses to the ground, breathing heavily as he presses against his wound.

"Boss, lets go." One of Loki's men states and he smirks, turning and walking away.


Clint was close to panicking, unable to find loki or even Nat. He was running from hallway to hallway, only stopping when he heard someone approach.

When he feels the second shockwave of magic and hears the one, singular bullet, he sprints in that direction. What he finds causes him to freeze, both in mine and body. Phil lay in a heap on the floor, struggling as he presses against his stomach, the smell of blood thick in the air.

Clint wants to go to his friend, wants to help him, but his body won't allow it. Instead he rushes past him, still searching for loki. The shockwave of magic had helped pinpoint him.

He continues forward, tensing up and turning around to face Natasha. The fog takes over for a moment with his surprise, causing him to attack her. They fight for a while, at each other's throats. At one point, Clint loses his bow but quickly unsheathes his knife. He panics within his mind when it comes close to pressing it against her neck and is more then relieved when she bites him to make him release her.

She manages to knock his legs out from under him, causing him to slam into a railing. He groans as the fog seems to dissipate. He shakes his head, turning over to look at her.

"Tash?" Clint questions, surprised to be able to control his mouth once again. She doesn't say anything as they lock eyes.

A moment passes before she reals her fist back and sends it launching into Clint's face. After that, it's just darkness.

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