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Tony sighed as he ran his hand through his hair. So much has happened in such a short amount of time. More than 80 people killed and one of the avengers own were taken.

With clint gone romanov has been on her toes and snappy. Always trying to triangulate where exactly the psychopath went with her best friend.

Tony was more worried for his family. For his son and husband.

"Daddy!" A high pitched voice cuts through his thoughts and his spins on the bar stool to look at his son.

Peter comes running to him, arms thrown up and giggling as he dad lifts him up with ease. His other father following, a bright smile on his face.

"He won't let me put him to bed unless he got a story and hug from you." Steve explains and tony chuckles.

"Really pete ?" Tony questions the five year old.

"Please daddy? Papas stories are nice but I want yours too!" He begs and tony sighs, putting his cup in the sink and standing up with his son.

"Alright then my little spider." He chuckles, walking with Steve back to his sons room. The pent house was large, three master bedrooms side by side. One was the one he shared with Steve, the other peters and the last was where rhodey stayed when he visited.

Peter jumped into his bed, a red and blue colored bed frame supporting the mattress. He snuggled under the blankets, a book already on the chairs besides the bed. Tony grabs the book and kneels besides peter while Steve sits down.

They read the book softly, the lights dimming thanks to Jarvis.

"The end." Tony finishes,  pressing a kiss to the half asleep child in the bed.

"Love you petey." Steve says, standing besides tony now.

"Love you guys..." he yawns, "too." Tony and Steve silently slip out of the room, Jarvis shirting the lights off fully as the door clicks closed.

"What are we going to do Steve?" Tony almost whimpers as the duo undress for bed.

"We'll get Clint back." He hesitates, "did you see the video footage before the building exploded?"

"Yeah... why?" Tony questions, anger instantly changing his demeanor as he thinks of what happened to innocent civilians.

"He looked... out of it... twitchy and too pale for it to be healthy." He murmurs, laying down on the bed.

"Are you really sympathizing with the enemy?" Tony snaps and Steve sits up.

"No god no!" He shouts quickly, "but maybe... maybe he's just a puppet? Being controlled to do someone else's bidding... there's obvious signs of torture all over his body."

Tony freezes, "Jarvis pull up the video feed of the day reindeer games fell through the portal." He states, quickly walking to the tv as is snaps on.

"Right away sir." Jarvis smooth voice calls.

The video rolls but stark doesn't pay attention to the people speaking, he's watching the portal as a tall figure lands out of it.

He stands up on shaky legs, this was the moment the video feed messed up, the voices sounding staticky and the camera feed buzzed.

The man was indeed pale, extremely so, and his eyes along with his cheeks were sunken. He stabs the staff into the ground to remain upright.

"Slow the video jarv"

"Alright sir." The video slows.

"Try to clear it up for me" the video clears only slightly and continues to play out. His eyes were dull but then he'd twitch and they'd gain a gleam to them. That's when he would attack.

"I think you might be on to something capsicle" tony mutters.

"Jarvis is Bruce awake?" Tony calls, pulling his shirt back on.

"Yes sir, he's drinking his tea in the main room. Would you like me to tell him to go to the lab?"

"You know me so well Jarvis!" Tony shouts already racing out of the room. Steve sighs but an amused smile makes it way to his face. He turns and drops onto his bed with a sigh.

It seems to be a few minutes later before Steve wakes with someone nudging him.

"Peter?" He questions groggily as his son kneels on the bed besides his head.

"Papa when is uncle Clint coming back?" He mumbles, head hung low.

"Another nightmare?" Steve questions. Peter had come looking for Steve and toy at the wrong time, catching glimpses as people were killed and Clint was taken under control by the "man who fell out the portal" peter nods his head and Steve sighs, holding open the comforter so peter could lay besides him.

"Uncle Clint is with someone right now. Someone who's in as much trouble as Clint okay? We're going to get him back and help the portal man okay?" He whispers to his son.

Peter nods before yawning, snuggling closer to Steve.

"Goodnight papa." He mumbles for the third time tonight.

"Sweet dreams peter."

And if sometime during the night peter woke again to another nightmare it didn't matter. Steve and tony, who came running to bed after Jarvis informed him that peter had a nightmare, were there to comfort him with soothing words and kisses.

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