Going down

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The memories were getting worse in quality, fizzier staticky and echoy. Odin has fell into Odin sleep, Thor was banished to earth and Loki was... Clint didn't even know what Loki was up to; He couldn't tell. Everything seemed darker.

Thor was confronting loki, Odin was somewhere nearby and they attacked. Loki didn't seem to be trying to much, He wasn't using his magic. Everything seemed to speed up and then Loki was holding onto Gungnir, hanging off the bridge.

"I never wanted the throne!" Echoes as the image blurred, "I only ever wanted to be your equal!"

Odin walks to the two and he says something. Everything stills, looks face blank and empty. Then he was falling, releasing the staff and falling into the dark void below him.

"No, Loki" Odom's voice stated emptily, echoing as everything seemed to fade as Loki fell.


Loki was chained now, weird monster aliens whipping him and every time he screamed they'd go harder. His was almost naked, the only piece of clothing he wore covered his crotch and parts of his ass. The chains around his wrists prevented him from using his magic but He didn't seem to care anymore.  Clint gagged, stomach twisting at the sight. 

Clint could hear Loki's thoughts, desperately wishing his mother was here, or Thor or Sigyn or his children. He wanted this all to stop and when the torture became to much he'd call out for them in pain only to be gagged. He was barley ever fed true food, other times it would be a strange slip that didn't seem to even be edible.

One day he was forced  to his feet, clothes shoved onto him as he's given a scepter. The very scepter he had when he fell through the portal. This was the day they truly broke him. The day he absolutely gave up. No more screams of pain or pleading for his family or mercy.

"You are to open- within Midgard- return-do this- you-free" the voice cut off but Clint understood, at least he thinks so. Loki nods robotically, hands gripping the staff tightly. Then the alien did something to him and his usually bright green eyes darkened, they tinted blue before he was falling through another portal and Clint jolted awake, looking around the room in the building Loki had turned into his base.

He was alone and then his stomach tightened and he turned over the edge of the bed, emptying its contents onto the floor. He trembles, what he had seen... no one deserves to be thrown aside like Loki had. No one deserves to be treated like Loki had. To be stuck in the shadow of their brother.  To be forced to do the bidding of someone else.

Loki wasn't the true villain here, whatever those alien things were were the villains.. Clint had to get back to the others, he had to tell them this! Loki shouldn't be punished when all this is over.

Loki was still bleeding under his armor, or at least he had whatever injuries wrapped up. Clint paused, he could control his own body a bit more. The tesseracts hold has lessened, either it was purposeful or accidental he didn't care. The door to the room opens and Loki walks in. Now he could see that the god was holding up a façade. He trembled slightly, legs taking stiff steps.

"My hawk" He murmurs, handing Clint a tray of food.

"How long have I been asleep sir?" Clint questions.

"A day or two. When you are rested up meet me in the main entrance. We are heading to Germany soon." With that he turns and leaves, Clint watching after him.  He glances down at the tray, it held  steamed vegetables and mashed potatoes. He eats slowly as to not cause another bout of vomiting before he stands, taking a few shaky steps before exiting the room with his bow in his hands.

"Sir... what I saw..." he speaks when he sees Loki. The god was staring out a window.

"Do you really wish to end this all?" Clint questions. Loki flinches, his grip tightening.

"No my hawk. I will not stop until we succeed." Loki turns around but his eyes were wide. Clint licked his lips, the tesseracts influence made him want to care for his boss before but now it wasn't only it's influence. Loki was a scared kid, he wanted to go home. He wanted to see his mother, apologize to his brother. He just wanted to be happy.

He wanted his suffering to end, one way or another.

"Come, we must prepare. The doctor said he needs, I'm not even sure what it is." Loki sighs as we start to walk.

"Sir... why did you turn blue?" He stiffens at that.

"That my fledgling, is something you should try to forget." He hums.

Clint quiets after that, watching his boss as they walked.

"Sir, I'm worried about you." Clint murmurs and Loki laughs.

"Your a first." He hums and Clint frowns.

"Your mother worried"

"Before the incident with baldr... after that it was never the same. You should've noticed." He says quietly.

"Thor cared..."

"Maybe, He was a moron." Clint could tell that Loki missed his brother. Those simple words revealing so much but at the same time to little.

"He was always so much more important." Loki mumbles, watching his feet as they walked. Clint moves a bit closer, let their shoulders brush. Loki glances at him with his dull eyes and smiles slightly. Clint gives the smallest of smiles in return.

"Come" they turn, walking back to Loki's room.

"You are important hawk." He says softly when we enter the room.

"Your one of the best that I have here." He sat down with a wince, hesitantly putting the staff aside.

"Sir... are you injured?" Clint questions, interrupting whatever he was going to say. Loki doesn't look at him and Clint moves closer.

"Sir... you fell four days ago from the portal. You were tortured before then. Please, if you are still hurt let me help you." I murmur and he nods, flicking his wrist and causing most of the armor on his torso and up. The sight made Clint gag but he moves forward, taking the bandages off of Loki's body. They stick to some parts but the god never reacts.

With another flick of his wrist disinfectant and more bandages appear. Clint takes them and instantly gets to work on Loki's body.

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