Getting help

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(Some parts are like the movie scene, others aren't. Some dialogue is, some isn't. The scene is honestly kinda hard to hear even with subtitles lol)

Clint's head hurt, like Thor had taken his hammer and went crazy. He wanted to open his eyes but they didn't seem to be cooperating at the moment, staying closed as he takes in a deep breath. His whole body was sore, aching in strange places.

Then it all came back to him, Loki taking him, Loki telling him his story, Loki getting captured, him freeing Loki and then going after nat, Nat punching him in the head and making him pass out.

With a jolt of energy Clint pries his eyes open, they sting and his vision is filled with black and white spots for a moment before his eyes focus on the one person in the room with him.

It was strange, looking at Natasha. Blues and greens and some purples dancing in his vision. Nats red hair stood out the most, making him wince and shake his head. Sweat was beading on his forehead as he struggled against his restraints. The tesseracts hold on him barley there, gripping onto his mind by a thread.

Clint could feel anguish on the other side of the connection, pain and anger and desperation and sadness. He could still feel Loki, but with each passing second the tesseracts control lessened and the explosion of colors in his vision was settling.

He continues to shake his head, grunting as he gives a yank against his wrist restraints, "Clint. You're gonna be alright." Nat says softly, watching as he continues to move on the chair.

"You know that? Is that what you know?" He questions, breathing heavily. The colors of the world around him have finally calmed down, no longer glaring and stabbing into his brain.

Nat stands up and walks to some place behind him, the sound of running water reminding the archer exactly how dry his throat and mouth is.

"How do you feel?" The red head questions, holding the cup to his lips and helping him take a sip.

"Like my brain has been pulled apart and then stuffed back together." He groans, letting his head fall back.

He lets his eyes close for a minute, taking a deep breath, before opening them again and looking over at his partner.

Nat was staring out the window of whatever room they were in on the helicarrier. When she notices him watching her she turns, raising an eyebrow at him.

"How did you -?" He questions softly.

"Cognitive recalibration," Nat starts, coming back around and sitting by Clint's legs, "I hit you really hard in the head until you passed out. Didn't know it would work exactly but it did." She murmurs and Clint licks his lips, nodding his head. She unlocks his wrists before standing up, letting clint throw his legs back over the bed.

He presses his feet against the floor, taking a deep breath.

"Bring me to the others. There is a lot we need to talk about."


You know, Clint really wasn't expecting his first reaction to thor would be him slamming his fist into the Asgardians jaw. The man had been smiling before hand, a reserved smile since he was unsure how to react to Clint who had been under Loki's control, but a smile nonetheless.

No one had suspected something like that to happen, the punch surprising thor so much he fell out of his chair.

Clint hisses and shakes out his knuckles, probably hurting himself more then thor but it was so very worth it for all the shit he had seen loki go through in the shadows and at the hands of his brother. Worth it for now at least, Loki had spent years ignored and one punch would never be enough

"Woah, okay!" Tony had exclaimed, the others all unsure what to do as Nat yanks him away from the blond on the ground.

"What the hell was that?" Nat snaps but clint ignores her.

"That's, for being a shitty brother." Was the first thing clint says to the god. It makes the other stay silent, confused and watching as thor slowly picked himself up. He was rubbing his jaw, eyes narrowed as he stares at clint.

"Do you know who you are dealing with son of Barton?" Thor booms, holding up his hammer. Steve jumps between them, hands out in an attempt to placate.

"This is already a very tense meeting with everything that's going on, so let's all calm down for a minute!" He exclaims, glancing over at the two spies.

"Yea lets listen to capsicle." Tony starts, glancing over at Bruce who licks his lips.

"The Captain is correct. The mortal must have been compelled by loki-"

"Oh I've been compelled by no one asshole!" Clint shouts, all the memories he had seen rushing to the surface. Although Odin was the main cause for quite a few of the worst memories, Thor was also just as prominent.

Thor looks murderous at this point and Clint glares back at the man, ignoring everything Nat is saying.

"I've seen memory after memory of Loki and his life and you played a major role in some of the worst ones along with your father." Clint spits out the word, venom dripping from his voice.

"Do not speak bad about the all father-"

"I'll speak as bad as I want to about him! What type of sick man uses his own grandchild as an everyday mule?!" Clint snaps and sees Thor hesitate. The others are confused, each showing it differently.

"What about all of the other children? Hela, fenrir and jormungandr? Those were your nephews and niece! Yet you watched them each get thrown away and what did you do for your brother? You mocked and belittled him! Along with your stupid friends!" Clint continues, thrashing slightly against nats hold.

"And when Loki's mouth was sewed shut, you joked like all the others! He was left to clean up your mess time after time yet when it was your turn to help you turned your back to him!"

"I've watched loki loose friend after friend, child after child, family after family! And you've done nothing for him!" Thor's hand dropped down to his side as he stared down at his feet.

"Oh yeah, you feel like a piece of shit now don't you? Prince Thor, the sun of Asgard and next in line for the crown! What about loki? Oh no one cares about him! He's just the shadow trickster no one could trust!"

"You do not know-" Thor tried once more but Clint cut him off with a laugh.

"I know more then you ever could asshole." He snarls, stepping back. They all stay quiet, even fury was surprised by what was said, eyebrow raised as he stared at the table.

Clint was breathing heavily now, hands clenched into fists at his side.

"What the fuck was all that." Tony states and Steve doesn't even try to reprimand him.

"You have a whole lot of explaining to do Barton." Fury sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.

Clint just licks his lips as he nods.

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