The warriors three

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Clint rubbed at his eyes, it felt as if days has passed and yet he kept seeing different memories.

It scared him how few of those memories were happy.

This memory seemed different. Little loki appeared to be almost eight, Thor was ten. Loki was happily following Thor to meet his friends. Fandral, Hogun, Volstagg And sif.

"Then fandral and hogun had to pull volstagg away!" Thor laugh joyously as he talked about his large friend.

"You believe they'll like me?" Loki questioned nervously, fidgeting with his hands.

"They shall brother!" Thor replies.

"Thor!" A feminine voice calls and Thor turns, smiling as a young blond haired girl comes running towards him.

"Hello Sif!" He states and hugs the girl. She glanced at loki with a slight distance. The younger boy flinches before straightening and extending his hand out. Sif made a face and turned back to Thor. Loki's smile dropped and so did his hand.

Three other boys came running, one larger than the other.

"Friends! Meet my little brother loki." Thor says happily and the boys look at the smaller male.

"I am loki odinson." Loki states, extending his hand again. The children look at each other before the blond boy held his hand out as well.

"I am fandral, this is hogun," he pointed to the dark haired boy to his left, "and that is volstagg" Loki smiles at each of them, getting small hesitant ones back.

"Let's go into the market!" Volstagg questioned after a bit of silence.

"You always want to go to the market you fat oaf!" Sif snipped, causing the others to laugh. The four children started bickering, ignore the youngest boy as he stood away from the group.

Now the children were running, jumping and climbing rocks along a river. It was summer and the heat along with the sun beat down on the five younglings. Loki was behind, panting heavily and failing to keep up with the others.

"Th-Thor!" He called out but his brother didn't hear him and continued forward.

Loki slipped and fell, scrapping his hands and knees against the rock before tumbling down into the river where he panicked.

Loki didn't know how to swim and as the young child flailed all clint could do was watch in horror.

"Hogun did you see where Loki went?" Clint heard lowly. He turned his head and could easily see the four children.

"He probably went back home Thor! You know he can't keep up with us." Sif stated, rolling her eyes in annoyance.

They couldn't see Loki as the rocks blocked him from sight. The rushing current did nothing but drag the small child back.

"Alright. Last one the the bridge is a wretched jotun!" Thor exclaimed, commencing the race once more.

They couldn't hear Loki's gargled pleas for help and the current continued to drag the boy back and under. Somehow after what seemed to be an hour with battling the river Loki managed to pull himself onto the bank, taking deep lungfuls or air as he coughed and choked up dirty water.

His short hair was sticking down in some places and up in others.

All Clint could feel was sorry for the boy. From the memories hes seen he understood a bit more.

Loki's father favored Thor and always bitched about any wrong doing Loki did, even if it was Thor.

Thor's friends didn't really like Loki. The smaller boy unable to keep up at times; he was weaker and different compared to the others.

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