The monster parents tell thier kids about at night

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Loki wants his pain to end. Wants to be with his daughter in helheim; his son who was thrown into the midgaurdian ocean, his oldest who was being used as a mule to carry around the king. His youngest who was locked away somewhere in the dungeons of Asgard because he had been a threat to Thor.

Clint well, he had never felt so bad for someone. Loki has never deserved to be treated like trash by everyone he knew besides his mother and the few friends he had. But then they left him, his mother was a bit more reserved then before. Clint wants Loki's suffering to end just as much as Loki did.

The memories had gotten darker, more scars to Loki's arms wrists and thighs that he covered up. More time Odin brought him down, More times he's had to save Thor. Loki was tired of it all.  He knew any thought of the throne being handed to him was gone, Odin would obviously give it to thor. The Buffon would have them all killed but what did it matter? Thor was better, stronger, smarter then he was.

The memories also started to blur now, clint didn't understand that as well. Voices would echo, cries would cut off, everything seemed to just get worse.

It was another one of those battles, people were big and blue and it was strange. Clint could see Loki and he seemed to have stopped. Then the memory was changing and Loki seemed darker, his skin a different shade.

Then he had turned his back on Odin, breathing heavy as he held something the seemed to glow.

"Am I cursed?" His voice rang out.


"Then what am I?" It was all echoing now.

"Your my son" Loki finally turned.

"What more then that?" He seems to whimper, voice strangely full and unwavering. Clint looked closer, Loki's skin had seemed to be darker now and his eyes seemed to glow. His skin went back to its normal pale color as he walked forward.

"The casket wasn't the only thing you took that day, was it?"

"No." Odin said softly, much softer then the first yell. Clint was afraid for Loki as he stood in front of the man that has done nothing but abuse and push him aside like he was nothing.

"In the aftermath of the battle I went into the temple and I found a baby. Small, for a giants offspring. Abandoned, suffering, left to die. Laufey's son."

"Laufeys son?"


"Why?" Loki questions.

"You were knee deep in jotun blood, why would you take me?"

"You were an innocent child..."

"No, you took me for a purpose. What was it?" Odin stayed silent after that and it just grew Loki's need for answers.

"Tell me!" He shouts and it echoes through the great halls so loudly Clint has to cover his ears for a moment.

"I thought we could unite our kingdoms one day..." Clint didn't catch the rest of what Odin said, focused on the distressed god, "bring about peace, through you"

"What?" Loki asked softly, so quietly that it could barely be heard; a total opposite of the last thing he's said.

"Those plans no longer matter" Odin dismisses.

"So I am no more then an-another stolen relic? Locked up here until you might have use of me?"

"Don't twist my words-"

"You could've told me what I was from the beginning! Why didn't you!?"

"Your my son, I wanted only to protect you from the truth." Odin states calmly, perhaps in an attempt to calm him but it seemed to backfire.

"Why-because I-i-I-I'm the monster who parents tell their children about at night?!" His anger was coming back, Odin seemed to be panicking.

"You know it all makes sense now, why you favored thor all these years because no matter how much you claim to love me you could never have a frost giant sitting on the throne for Asgard!" Loki had walked straight up to Odin, standing over him now as he seemed to become weaker. Loki stops, staring at the man as he lays on the ground falling into Odin sleep.

"Guards!" He shouts, sitting down and trying to get Odin to wake. Clint watched as the memory became fizzier, darker and more unstable. He didn't understand what was happening or what he was going to see next.

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