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New schedule in place! Enjoy Bc I will be updating regularly, at least 1 or 2 stories every Sunday will be getting updates!

There's confusion when the jet lands, yelling and arguing as tony and Steve leave to talk to someone. Leaving Natasha to help Loki stand, gently guiding him out of the machine to where Steve waits. Loki flinches as the noise doubles in volume, staggering alongside nay as he's handed over to Steve who then leads him through the building.

"Are you in any pain Loki?" Steve questions softly as he opens the door to some room. During their walk the super solider had noticed the way he staggered and limped along, eyes downcast and face blank. In the room were beds and other types of medical machines that Loki had no clue what they did.

When Loki doesn't answer Steve sighs and leads him to one of the small beds in the room, leaving Steve to grimace when he touches something wet while helping Loki into the bed.

"Can you change your clothes Loki?"

"I would like to sleep." The man murmurs.

"You can, But first let someone look you over. You must be in some kind of pain." Steve mumbles, glancing down at his hand which was covered in blood.

"I would like to sleep." Loki snaps, glaring at Steve.

"I promise you can, but you need to be checked out first." Steve soothes, backing up to a closet without turning around. He reaches in and pulls out a hospital gown before striding back over to Loki.

"If you change into this we will double the pillows for your bed." He bargains and watches as the god licks his lips before nodding hesitantly. After taking the gown, Steve backs away to give Loki privacy. Soft whimpers of pain and the sound of clothing moving around is all he hears for a few minutes before silence.

Steve turns around and sends Loki a small smile, attempting to seem friendly. The man had changed into the gown, head hanging as he stared at his armor that now lay in a heap on the floor. The smell of iron was stronger now as there was less clothing to cover its source. Steve's eyes focus on the slowly growing red splotches along Loki's back and sides. Besides that he could see gauze wrapped around most of his body.

Steve walks over, frowning at the flinches that follow each soft thump of his steps, and gently helps the man sit back on the bed just as the doors open. Loki jolts back, summoning a weapon with his magic and letting out what could only be described as a growl.  Looking over his shoulder, Steve watches as Banner slowly approaches with his hands raised, palm towards Loki.

"Loki this is a friend," Steve tried to call him down and the just narrows his eyes.

"He's not here to hurt you, he's here to make you feel better. Then we can go to that bed you wanted." Steve explains, adding that last bit in as an extra attempt to calm the god. Loki's hand shakes as the weapon disappears and he drops it into his lap.

"I would like my bed." He states again and Steve sits on the floor in front of the distraught god.

"And you will get it but let my friend look over you first." Steve says, voice hard to try and make the other man understand that he was serious.

"Fine." Loki spits and then Bruce slowly walks over.

"The mindless beast, makes play he's still a man." Loki chuckles, eyes sparking with recognition, "from my birds memories"

Steve's eyes widen and Bruce flinches But continues forward.

"Why do you fight the beast when embracing it will free you?" He continues and Steve stands, the quick movements startling the god and causing him to jump back.

"No more talking Loki." The captain states and the god narrows his eyes, a full body shudder causing him to let out a small gasp of pain. He doesn't speak and allows Bruce to look over him, blue-green eyes watching the man as he moves about.

By the time the exams is over loki is trembling and his eyes were stuck half lidded. He doesn't even notice when Bruce and Steve step closer to the door to converse.

"He had multiple broken bones, some are set properly but others healed badly. The nursing on his body is extensive and from the small conversation I had with the other Asgardian, any wound or injury should be healed by now. He will need sleep and lots of food as he is extremely malnourished." Steve nods as Bruce continues to speak.

"I had added a sedative into the IV i managed to put him on so it'll be easier to get him into a chair and into that bed he's been asking for." He finishes and Steve nods, taking the wheelchair Bruce hands him and moving back over to the other, paler man.

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