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Loki sighed softly as Clint slumped against him.

Loki's mind was a labyrinth, or a puzzle if you need a better description. It was large, seemingly never ending. Some of the prices of the "puzzle" were destroyed. Some burned and others chewed upon by a metaphorical toddler. When all those memories entered Clint's mind, the stress, the power, it was to much. He passed out, dealing with the pain as he slept.

Loki knew all to well what pain he held within his memories. He lived and continues to live through the pain.

With a sigh Loki wrapped his arms around his fledgling, cradling him close to his body, similar to how frigga used to do to him after a nightmare, and carried him off towards his chambers.

Once his hawk awoke he knew he'd ask questions. He'd want answers, his true self wanting to understand the enemy to take him down. Loki knew he wouldn't win this war. He didn't want to, he simply wanted to fall. He let go of gungnir. He wanted to meet his end, his demise. He would never be enough for Odin, always hidden in Thor's shadow. He knew it and now he knew the truth. He wasn't really Odin and firggas son. He wasn't Thor's brother. He was a jotun, a horrid frost giant. He made sure to keep those memories locked up, he didn't need his hawk to fear him anymore than he already did.

He gently laid Clint down onto a bed he had created with his magic from tables and curtains, shifting the items until they were what he wanted.

He laid down besides Clint, a large amount of space between the duo. He didn't need his hawk to freeze, his normally cold body temp would suck up all of his warmth. He didn't need nor want that. He glanced to the side, watching as Clint's eyes moved this way and that under his eye lids.

Focus on what's needed. A voice hissed in his mind. He flinched at it even though is spoke the truth. He closed his eyes, sleep would restore his power.


It seemed like Clint was hurtling through space. The stars spoke to him. As he fell he realized that no, those weren't stars. They were memories. Hopes and dreams.

When he finally seemed to stop falling he looked around. He stood within a golden palace of an unknown world, but his mind filled in the name. Asgard.

"Come Loki!" Someone yelled. Two boys came running by. One had blond hair the other raven black, a stark contrast.

Thor his mind supplied for the blond haired boy. He instantly recognized a young Loki.

As the boys ran thor quickly turned a corner, bumping into a table and causing a vase of flowers to tilt and fall to the floor with a echoing smash.

Thor didn't stop running, ignoring the broken vase as he reached his room, the victor of the silly little race. Unlike him Loki had stopped and was attempting to clean up his brothers mess.

"What was that noise?!" A loud voice booms. Loki flinches But continues to desperately attempt to clean the vase up, using his magic to repair the porcelain.

"Loki!" A man growled, looking down at the young child with one eye.

This man was obviously Odin allfather.

"I-I'm sorry father! I-I was j-just trying to clean u-up Thor's mess!" The boy states, finally finished in putting the last piece together. He scoops up the flowers and puts them back into the Now fixed vase.

"Why do you blame your brother!? If it was thor he would've faced the consequences like a true warrior  and cleans up his own mess!" Odin boomed, grabbing his smallest son by the wrist and dragging him away.

"But- but father-!" Loki tried to plead, but Odin had none of it. Odin turned and slapped Loki across the cheek, causing the little boys eyes to fill with tears.

"Now get to your room!" Odin snarled, the little boy whimpered and raced away.

Clint followed him, turning down corridors until they finally reached the royal family's sleeping chambers.

"I win brother!" Thor boasted, having not noticed Loki's tears or red cheek.  Loki didn't say anything, he just rushed into his room and locked the door behind him. He huddled under his covers, sobbing silently.

He didn't understand why father never believed him. He never lied yet whenever thor did something wrong he'd be blamed.

"Loki?" Came a hesitant voice from outside his door.

"Oh do not be such a ninny!" Shouted thor, "It was just a game no need to cry over me being the victor!"

Loki just sobbed harder.

Clint watched this, angry that a father would do such a thing to his own son before he was pulled into another memory.

So for the next few chapter it will simply be something. Like this! Hope you enjoy and remember have fuuuuuun xD

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