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Steve and tony watched the man as he stood tall, or at least he tried to. He was shaking, trembling and white knuckled as he held onto his staff.

"Tony, step back." Steve states, walking forward. He stepped back a bit, pointing the staff at Steve.

"Hey, easy there calm down-"

"There is no reason to calm, you will all kneel to me." His eyes glinted brightly in the light from the jet. 

"We will But can you relax? My names steve, what's yours?" He continues, walking closer to the obviously hurting man. He was pal, face gaunt and gauze just peaking near his neck.

He narrows his eyes, retracting his staff closer to his body as if he was protecting it, "Loki. You shall kneel to me steve. Then I will rule Midgard and finally return my staff." He spat out the name, hands tightening when he spoke of the weapon.

"Okay, Loki, who do you have to return the staff to?" Steve continued to slowly approach and every step caused the other man to flinch. Tony didn't understand what his husband was doing and stared in stunned silence.

"Him, the one that will come with my army. I must, I must return it!"

"Okay, you'll return it yeah? We can help you return it."


"Yeah, you can come with us and we'll help you. Bring you to a nice room and a good bed. You can stay with the staff until he comes and return it then."

"Nice bed?" He shook his head and his eyes brightened for a moment, "I can make my own you incompetent fool!" Loki swing but Steve dodged easily, stepping to the other side and holding his palms towards Loki.

"Yes, but what about a nice bath? Clean bandages and good food? We can clean your staff for you and make everything nice for when he comes-" Loki flinched at the mention of the staff he held, practically jumped back at the him.

"He will get mad, I cannot let you take the staff from me!"

"We will give it back, we promise Loki, but how does a nice soft bed with a bunch of pillows and blankets sound? Fresh food and water?"

"Bunch of pillows?" He asks softly, voice trembling just like his own body. He starts to sag slightly, hunch in on himself as Steve continued to talk about what Loki would get if he came with them. His grip on the staff even relaxed, allow blood to easily enter his fingers again.

"Warm and nice and we'll take care of your staff until he comes for it, how does that sound?"

"I have to give it back! He'll, he'll get mad." Loki whimpers, curling into himself a bit more as his wall broke down and he showed how truly broken he was.

"My people need me!" He snarls, stepping back.

"Tell is where they are and we can help them, we can bring them to you."

"And my hawk?" Loki whimpered.

"Yes, even him. Just give me the staff and we'll take good care of it and you." Steve promised and Loki dropped the staff, watching as it clanked near his feet and down the stairs.

"Warm bed." Loki murmurs, his armor sizzling out of view as Steve grabbed the staff and handed it to tony.

"Yes, a warm bed and good food. Clean you up and let you sleep, we promise." Steve stepped up to him and took Loki's arm. He practically sagged against him, knees going out below him. Steve grunted when he caught the god, surprised by how light he was.

Steve helped Loki back up to his feet, leading him to the jet as clouds started to gather above them. Loki's eyes dropped, a dull color as he leans his head against the captain.

"Sit right here, okay?" Loki nodded his head as Steve helped him settle into one of the chairs.

"Drink this." He said softly, opening a water bottle and handing it to the trembling man. He practically swallows the water, quiet until Steve tried to walk away. Loki whimpered slightly and reached his hand out to the man. He was surrounded by strangers, of course he would be afraid. He no longer had his staff nor enough energy to connect to his own magic, he was just tired. He wanted to sleep and never hear his voice whisper in his head again.

Steve sat down besides Loki and the god was quiet, head hanging as he stared at his feet. The staff called out to him from wherever it was in the metal contraption. A soft whirr reaches Loki's ears and it tried to pull him to sleep but he wouldn't let it.

Unknowing to Loki steve had pulled his phone out to talk with the others, explaining why he decided to step closer to the deranged man.

The shaking, the wild look in his eyes, the white knuckles and pale face all showed signs of fear, of being forced into something he didn't exactly want to do, Of torture.

Loki was practically limp besides him, the maniac energy from before all but gone as he tremors ran up his spine. He was almost asleep until the jet rocked due to turbulence, his eyes snapped open then.

He practically jumped out of his skin when thunder struck, face turning even more pale then before.

"Afraid of a little lightning?"

"I'm not overly fond of what follows." He murmurs, gripping the seat tightly when something lands on the roof and causes the plan to jump down.

Now if you didn't know, by now u should bc this is obviously my least popular book xD, I have three stories coming out and I'm excited for all of them!!!!

So the three stories are-

The terrorsnuckle; two heads are better then one

A jackrabbit (Jack Frost and bunnymund in this one jacks a pooka shush) : I'm sorry


A tomtord: red and blue make purple

So please go check them out I be working hard on these so enjoy!

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