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Clint was exhausted.

He's seen memory after memory, pain followed by anger and sadness then more pain. He very rarely saw happiness. Every other moment when loki would train his magic with frigga, or when he'd find a very interesting book he favored.

Very little was he happy with Thor. Even less when Odin or the warriors three and six were around. Then there was heimdall. He was Thor's newest and closest friend, the seer of all. The cold eyed man was friendly to loki but nothing more. Loki  was older now, in human years he appeared to be in his teens, around seventeen or eighteen, and he still didn't have any true friends. His friendship with Thor had practically died after the incident with sifs hair.

Clint was outside in the training area with loki and Thor. They were sparing as a simple game but people were starting to crowd around them, watching the two princes fight.  Loki has promised to not use magic while he sparred so when Thor easily overpowered him it was no surprise. The crowd watching applauded the golden prince before dispersing slightly.

Thor helped his brother up as frigga came over. She spoke about how she was proud of her sons and is far they came in there training. Thor was smiling with pride, Loki simply stared at his feet.

They spared again and again in the days coming, Thor constantly besting Loki. The younger always ending up with his sword thrown to the side and a knee against his spine.

The light changed and it was night now, Loki was the only one awake. He was sparing with, what seemed to be, himself! It was strange, whenever loki would do a fatal strike the sword would cut straight through the other and that's when Clint realized that one was a clone.

Loki would dodge and wave his imposter while trying to pin or cut him down. This continued for months at night until loki finally seemed himself perfect.

Then the day came when Thor challenged him to another spar. Loki was hesitant as usual, Thor's words echoing in his mind for a moment before he pushed them away. If the blond god didn't seem to care or remember what he said after sif lost her hair then why should he dwell on it?

"You should change shirts brother." Thor comments as they walk to the sparing ring. Loki scratches at his long sleeves, feeling the ridges of the scars from the previous night.

"Yes well, I'm more than comfortable and flexible in these clothes." He states and Thor rolls his eyes.

They get into positions and the sparing starts. People father instantly, cheering on Thor as he was the usual victor. The only difference was that Odin was watching along with frigga this time.

If I win they'd cheer me on... Clint had heard loki think to himself on his many lonely sparing sessions.

The two brothers fought long and hard until loki finally got the upper hand, a quick cut along Thor's hands caused him to release the sword which Loki quickly kicked away. He then maneuvered himself behind Thor and knocked the larger prince down, pressing his knee against the others back as he panted harshly.

Loki heard no applause. He heard angry whispers and murmuring instead.

"He obviously cheated!" He heard someone shout, "god of tricks is his title ." Someone else stated. Loki looks around and only sees angry annoyed faces and that's when it clicks.

They never truly came to see who would win. They had come to see loki get beaten by his brother, knowing that he was the weaker of the two. Loki glances at Odin but his father wasn't even looking. Loki dropped his sword and stumbled away from Thor, the crowd had now moved on.

"Good job brother!" Thor stayed happily, oblivious to the fact that no one else seemed to care.

"Shut your trap Thor!" Loki growls before teleporting away. He fell against a wall in his room, tears streaming down his face. He practically ripped his shirt off as he grabbed one of his daggers. He dragged it against his arms over and over, crying silently.

No one truly cared.

No one ever would.

Loki finished and threw the dagger to the side as he stared at his arms. He was a disgrace, unfit for the title of prince. The title of odins son. He just wanted to make his father proud.

Just once was all he asked.


Thor was confused. He had just complimented his brother and yet he was yelled at. He didn't understand. What had he done wrong? He had seen loki practice at night once before and had been quite excited that his brother had taken an interest in a weapon besides his magic so he had asked for a duel and loki had actually won! Yet he turned cold and bitter when they finished.

With a sigh Thor picked up his and his brothers swords. He walked back towards the castle and to his brothers chambers to return the sword. As he neared he heard the distinct sound of crying, of sobbing. Thor held the swords tighter and walked closer to Loki's room, the sound becoming louder as he did. He opens his brothers door slightly and looked inside.

Loki was sobbing on the floor, arms curled around his head as he rested them against his knees. There was blood along his sleeves and pants. That just confused Thor even more.

Thor hasn't hurt Loki while they spared had he? The older prince was bewildered as he watched his brother. He sighed quietly before putting his sword besides the door and closing said door quietly.

Thor would never truly understand loki. Never got why he'd hear sobbing as he passed his brothers room at night. How some days he didn't venture out of his room unless persuaded by frigga while other days not even she could get the younger boy to make an appearance.

Never understood how loki had ended up so bloody after there spring, but he never asked and as thor got older and Loki got colder he wished he did.

Clint was screaming, practically yelling at Thor to come back in and help his little brother but he didn't, he watched as Thor turned and walked back to his room.

Clint just watched as Loki continued to cry and he felt the remaining anger dwindle even more.

Who could be surprised that loki turned out the way he did? If any one of his family members were then they never truly understood him.

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