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The string had been removed for almost two years but loki very rarely talked now, using gestures and other small things to communicate if it wasn't needed to vocalize anything. He visited sleipnir more often, pretty much whenever he got the chance. His son had forgiven him after that first fateful day of Loki's lips being sewed shut. That simple thought made Clint's blood boil, who does that to their own kid?

"Loki! Brother, come!" Thor booms, not even bothering to knock on the door. Loki sighs but get out of bed, following his brother out of the room.

"Where are we going?" He questions.

"To battle!" He exclaims and without further hesitation pulls Loki into the armory.


The battle raging on around him was pointless. There was no true battle plan, Thor has rushed in headfirst like the imbecile He is. He swings the sword in his hand around, cutting through the enemies armor easily. Loki had a spell that prevented all from seeing him, allowing him to avoid the battle all together. Loki takes a step forward when he sees that Thor was getting surrounded.

"Imbecile!" Loki growls and removes the cover, racing into battle with his hands flaring a green smoke.   His magic destroys the enemies easily, ripping through the weak armor and then through the strange aliens flesh. Thor cheers when he sees Loki join, not noticing the way his brother had turned paler then normal at the sight of blood.

The battle is over quickly because of Loki and Thor cheers, stating that they should all go share some ale or something, Clint really wasn't paying attention anymore.

"Thor next time you decide to start a battle plan beforehand! You could've killed yourself or your teammates!" Loki scolds But Thor just rolls his eyes.

"No one has gotten hurt Loki, the battle is over and we are the victors. Now, either take a cup or go back to your room." That caused the others to laugh, mocking the youngest prince as he turned and left.

This happens over and over again, Loki scolding Thor about how they could've been killed after as Thor drinks ale. He ignored his brothers words over and over, proving to Loki just how much Thor truly cared for him. If he wouldn't even thank him or at least apologize for his idiocy then why should Loki even try?

Clint knew exactly why, it was the way Odin would put him down. The way he'd always belittle Loki for not rushing into battle like Thor, for not being more like Thor. Clint was getting tired of all the memories, so some of the battles blurred together. Loki was a god, he's lived longer then Clint could ever wish to imagine.

Then Clint was standing besides a tree, Loki rushing into battle to protect Thor. There was fear in his eyes, a raw emotion so strong Clint was startled. He was using a lot of energy straight away, lashing out at enemy after enemy. He was getting weaker by the second, using so much power that the color started to drain from his already pale face.

Someone gets the upper hand and a sword is brought down on his shoulder, barely piercing his armor but enough to hit the skin underneath. Loki cries out and his magic erupts, throwing everything within feet of Loki away. His peace doesn't last long as someone charges, he jumps to the side and he startled a snack. The creature rears up and sinks it's teeth into his unprotected arm. He screams again and his magic erupts for the second time, ending the battle with its blast. Thor turns in time to see Loki fall down, the snake that had bitten him slithering away.


He wants to die when he's back in the healing chambers, his body overly hot. Clint could feel his pain to a degree. He could hear his thoughts as he lay unconscious on a bed. The healers keep him alive, using their limited magic in their attempts to heal him. Clint was able to see his surrounding due to Loki's magic. If it weren't for friggas presence Loki's magic would've lashed out and attacked the healers in their attempts to help him.

With a groan Loki wakes, three weeks since the battle. He sits up, body still drained and exhausted.

"Brother!" Thor exclaims, startling his mother awake.

"Thor, lower your voice. Loki is still injured." Frigga scold and Thor rolls his eyes.

"We won, thanks to you!" Thor says proudly.

"I almost died Thor." Loki hisses and he scoffs, rolling his eyes. Clint stands back and watches as Thor gets mad, saying how loki was able to survive the energy drain and then the venom then he was good.

They go back to battles and loki gets fatally injured half of all the times they go but Thor never learns. He doesn't care.

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