Chapter 2

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Dedicated to Leah918Maggie928 because you're just that awesome :)

"You idiots! She told you she didn't want to eat anymore but you just had to force her! Now look what you've done." Lexi scolded my brothers who just stood there shocked.

Lexi took me to the Nurse where she let me clean my mouth with mouthwash and had me lay down while she called my parents.

"Hello this is Ms. Wallace calling regarding your daughter, Lydia Tonelli- Yes she is doing alright, however- yes- no she's not- well- hang on let me get the phone to her." The nurse seemed utterly exasperated by my mother's constant interruptions, no doubt she was freaking out.

"Yes Mama, It's me," I said timidly.

"Oh grazie a Dio, thank god, are you okay principessa?" She asked worriedly.

"I threw up, I need you to pick me up," I said into the phone.

"My poor baby, I'll send someone for you, I can't leave the restaurant now but I promise I'll be home soon." She said tenderly.

"Okay Mama, that's fine," I said and gave the nurse the phone back. I was barely drifting to sleep when I heard Leo, the second eldest Tonelli walk into the office.

"Aww kid, why are you sick?" He asked gently. He walked toward me and sat next to me on the health office cot. He put a hand on my forehead and looked at me.

"Because school starts way too early in the morning," I whined, pushing his hand off.

"Come on, let's get you home," He said and helped me up, he signed me out of the health office. We left building and he wrapped his arm around my shoulders, he took my backpack from me and carried it to the car. We both got in and buckled up.

"Sorry you had to leave work," I said as he started the car.

"I'm not," He scoffed,"Spending the day being yelled at by Felix is not the best thing in the world."

I was always comfortable around Leo, he never yelled at me, or looked through my phone, he trusted me to make good choices. If only the rest were like that.

On the way home he let me change the radio station, which he never let anyone do, I guess being sick got me an exception. We finally got home after a seemingly long car ride.

"We're home, I'm guessing you don't want anything to eat?" He asked.

"I will kill you if you talk about food." I said angrily.

"Okay, okay, calm down," He chuckled and got out of the car. He helped me get out and we walked to the front door. We got inside and Leo ruffled my hair, "Go get clean and come back downstairs."

I listened to him and walked upstairs, got a towel and took a cold shower, helping with my nausea. I got out and put on my fuzzy pants as well as one of Greg's old band T-shirts and walked downstairs.

"Does Greg know you wear that?" He grinned.

"Maybe," I said sheepishly.

"I heard you two had an argument this morning," Leo said.

"An argument consists of both sides sharing opinions, this was more of a one way thing." I snapped.

"Hey don't get mad at me, you know Greg hates fighting with you." He said.

"Well then he shouldn't fight with me!" I said and plopped on the couch. He sat next to me and sighed.

"Felix told him to handle you, so he did." He explained as if that was an acceptable answer.

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