107 29 25

Two Hundred and Three Days Before


Coffee, coffee, coffee. How many cups had she had so far today? 

Who knows by this point, the only thing she knows is that 87 year old Mr Alders in room 34, has yet again decided to take off his hospital gown, and is currently in the process of walking towards the nurses station. 

Third. Time. Today. 

Luise sees 'The Sight' and stumbles, knocking her clipboard into Luna's back just as she takes a gulp, causing the hot, bitter liquid to go down the wrong way. Luna doubles over coughing, the loud noise deterring Mr Alders from the nurses to look at the two doctors instead. 

Now 'The Sight' becomes worse. 

Much worse. 

Luna was sure that she wasn't just coughing because of the coffee anymore.

"Mr Alders! Lets get you back to your room!" Luise quickly rushes over to the man as he opens his arms out in greeting to her,

"Lucy! Haven't seen you in a very long time love, how are you? How are the kids?" His booming voice can still be heard as they enter his room, Luise flashing Luna a dramatic look of despair as she steps in.

Luna grins before she gulps down the rest of the coffee, taking a look at her patient list before continuing along the ward. 

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