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Authors pov (Hana focus)

"so anime" Jimin tried to cut the silence after Yuni and Yoongi left.

"What a great conversation starter" Hana replied because she was the only person listening, Miki was staring out the window, and Jisoo was calling Vernon.

"Is it creepy to say you're a great person to cuddle"

"umm no, but thank you, you're a great cuddler"

"why thank you i'm flattered" He put his hand to his heart and fell back onto the sofa, "So gossip, that's what girls talk about right"

"i suppose"

"so how's stealing Jungkook from Jisoo going"

"how do you know"

"im in your class and Miki tells me everyone, so how's that going for ya"

"not good, like she already has Vernon and now Jungkook's jealous, like im right here you know, you could date me if you wanted"

"yeah i relate, its horrible"

"ooohhh whos the lucky girl"

"you mean unlucky and i cant tell you but it doesnt matter because she likes someone else"

"oh well you have to win her, im sure the other guys a dick and you're way better than him"

"how do i win her, personally what do you think would be a good idea to get her"

"well id say you should be really cute and take her on a few dates to prove yourself, then she'll slowly fall in love with you"

"Good plan"


yeah no its not i have loads of random drafts i wrote AGES ago so yeah

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