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It was a new day.
Yuni woke up snuggled into Yoongi's chest and tried standing up before being pulled back into the swarm of covers.
"Yoongs i actually need to go to school today if i miss another day i'm going to like fail and i actually care about my education" She stood up and laughed at Yoongi's whines.
"Ew education" Yoongi sat up and ruffled his hair with his eyes still closed.
"Education is important you dimwit we have GSCE's in like 4 months" 
"Ugh" He flopped out of bed and brushed his teeth while Yuni did her makeup.
"Your flat is so cool i wish i could live away from my parents"
"Move in"
"E-excuse me"
"If you want, you don't have to"
"I-i yeah i umm but like my parents"
"Don't tell them just don't go home" Yoongi went back into the bedroom and pulled a hoodie over his school uniform.
"I-i but like i, i mean i could but umm"
"You dont have to don't worry it just gets lonely here and your parents are like cunts so it would probably be better for you here with me" He threw a shirt to Yuni and she caught it and put it on still stuttering in shock.
"Yeah ok but like i don't have clothes and my mum doesnt work so i cant sneak in and like i don't have a job so i cant pay rent"
"I know people I'll get you a job and i'll help you sneak in to get a bag" Yoongi walked out to the main room grabbing his bag and an apple with Yuni following behind.
"O-okay I'll just move in then today I guess I should go pack a bag or something"
"OK let's go I'll distract your mum for you" He opened the door and locked in behind them.
"Yeah ok" she said running downstairs trying to keep up with Yoongi's wide strides

a few streets away Hana awoke in a pile of covers and pillows on the floor of a strange room before she could fully process her surroundings a deep husky voice came from what she assumed was the bathroom
"good morning sleeping beauty" she looked up to see Jungkook leaning against the door frame, wet hair and a towel wrapped around his waist showing off his dripping wet 6 pack, holding his phone in his left hand and smiling at her fondly
her heart did 76 back flips before she could muster out a single work
"morning" her voice came out half croak half weird moan as she sat up trying to recover from the godly site in front of her
"uh if you want a shower it's in there the towels are on the rack and shit and don't worry my shampoo smells nice it's for women don't bully me actually most of the shit in my shower is for women but shut up it smells nicer okay" they both started laughing and Hana rushed off into the bathroom whilst Jungkook laid on his bed scrolling though tik tok drenching his pillow with his hair
Hana came out fully dressed and straightened her hair on Jungkook's floor as he got dressed in the bathroom
somehow he came out with still slightly wet hair so Hana being the nice and highly in love person she is, dried his hair for him and made it extra poofy and curly
during this her cheeks went red af and Jungkook noticed and proceeded to bully her and call her cherry for the entire walk to school

Tae had stayed up all night plotting the best plan to get Yuni to love him so to walk into school and see Yuni and Yoongi walking in hand in hand really made him reevaluate everything
still though he kept his head high and kept his cocky persona strong
he walked up to the couple in question and before he could even mutter his perfectly planned pick up line Yuni ran right past him to Miki who was at her locker screaming "GUESS WHAT IM MOVING IN WITH YOONGI ISN'T THAT COOL!!!"
Yoongi laughed cockily and smirked strutting past Tae, pushing him as he went, and put his head on Yunis head looking Tae straight in his eyes
Tae didn't change his expression at all and walked past Yoongi roughly shoving him into a locker not caring if he hurt Yuni or Miki in the process and walked straight out the other exit and ran home

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