the first day

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The darkness stretched out for what felt like forever. Then it just stopped out of nowhere. I immediately got pulled into sleep.

I woke up with leaves crunching under my body. The sun was just rising so it must be early i turned looking for a sign of people but couldn't see one. Just when i began to listen for anyone somebody rammed into my body shoving me back to the ground.

I looked up to see a figure standing over me the sun blocking the features of his face. He reached down and offered me his hand. I took it and he pulled me up. Thats when my vision cleared up and i saw that it was kol. He had long brown hair and a huge grin.
"Brother who is that."
I twisted around to see him standing there. I got dizzy again and fell to the floor but felt hands wrap around me.
"Klaus" i murmered before it want black again.

"Well whats her name." A females voice asked.
"She didnt say i knocked her over and i helped her up. Before i questioned her Niklaus spoke and she turned around and fainted. She murmered something though. She said Klaus." Kol finished out of breath.

"Niklaus do you know this girl." The women asked. I thought to myself that i had heard the voice before.
"No mother I've never seen her in my life." Klaus replys. I slowly flutter my eyes open as if i just woke up. So the womens voice was klaus' mother Esther. My eyes open up to see klaus staring at me with his blue and grey eyes. They reminded me of a storm. I tore my eyes away and looked around the room. I think in my head "ready to put on the best performance ever."
"Mother she's awake." Klaus called out.
"Are you okay love." Esther asked me putting a rag on my head and giving me a cup of water.
"Yes, just a little dizzy. Where am I." I asked acting confused. They believed it.
"My son Niklaus carried you here. After you passed out in the woods. He brought you to our home. Do you remember anything." Esther says.
I smile at Klaus thanking him then turn my attention to Esther.

"No all i remember is my name. Its caroline." I say then add, " I remeber also that i was leaving my town because my parents had died. I was trying to start over. I have nowhere to go back to." Remembering my actual parents deaths made me start crying.
"Boys go get your brothers and sister dinner is almost ready."
"Yes right away." Klaus said leaving the house glancing back at me. When the door closed she looked back at me.
"Its okay love. I lost my family too. You can stay with us as long as you need we have a spare bedroom next to Niklaus' and rebekahs room. Feel free to go grab one of her many dresses. She wont mind. Now i have to set up for dinner." She said smiling and turning away. I stood from the sofa and went looking upstairs for rebekahs room.
"Mother wheres the girl." Rebekahs voice rung out happily as she shut the front door.
"Upstairs looking for your room."
"Okay ill get her ready for dinner"
I heard footsteps run up stairs.
"Hello" i called out walking back towards the staircase. I couldn't find her room though i only checked two rooms.
She comes around the corner and bumps into me.
"Sorry. Hi im Caroline." I say holding out my hand.
"Rebekah. Well caroline how about we get you ready for dinner" she said dragging me into the room farthest down the hallway. As i pass Klaus' room i peak inside. I get a quick glance of nothing but a bow and some arrows.
She drags me into the room and shuts the door grabbing a brown gown with a leather belt around the waist.
I stop to look at what rebekah had on. She had purple flowers scattered throughout her hair with 2 braids down the sides. She had a yellow gown with rolled back wrist collars.
"Here put this on." She says handing me the dress. I start to get into it and she tightens the back for me.
"Who did your hair its the exact way my mother does it."
"I don't know i have really no memory." I say telling her the story i told kol, klaus, and Esther.
"I'm sorry for your loss."
"Thank you really. Your a good friend."
"Really were friends." She asks excitedly.
"Of course. Why wouldn't we be."
"A lot of people in the village think of me as annoying. Even my brothers."
"If they're mean to you just tell me. I'll teach them never to be mean to you again."
"Thank you for being so kind." She says sincerely then adds, "My brothers kol and Nik told me you murmered klaus before you fainted. How did you know his name. Though we call him Niklaus."
"I don't know." I say worried she'd question me further but she doesn't.
"Anyway we must go help my mother set up for dinner. Before the boys get down there."
"Okay" i say smiling.

I hurry down stairs to a surprisingly quiet house/hut.
We helped set the table and laughed as they told me stories about the boys.
"Dinner." Esther yelled out the front door. Soon 4 boys bust through the door. Finn the oldest. Elijah the wisest. Kol the most annoying. Henrik im i think thats his name- Which is the youngest. Then klaus the-.
"Everyone this is Caroline. She'll be staying with us for awhile." She continues to tell them what happened to bring me here and my story. The boys sit down as me, Rebekah, and Esther serve them rabbit soup from oldest to youngest.
"Thank you." Elijah says when i sit down taking my hand and kissing it. I was in complete shock but quickly recovered. We ate and it was quiet and akward until Rebekah broke the silence and started talking about her day. I drifted off but kept feeling klaus' eyes on me. I looked up catching his eyes. Niether of us moved them away. Until my conscience got a hold of me. I jumped over at klaus and started kissing him fiercely and he kissed me back. We were back in the woods and-.
"Caroline hello." Rebekah said waving her hand in front of my face.
"Umm yeah." I say tearing me eyes from klaus and to her.
"Were you listening." I go to answer but klaus interrupts me.
"Of course she wasnt we were all falling asleep just listening to you rant about the market place."
"Mother tell nik to stop embarrassing me." Rebekah whines i giggle a little at her.
"Now now nik be kind to your sister." Esther warns.
"What about you Caroline do you remember anything." Elijah asks.
"You guys are lucky." I say smiling at kol and Henrick bickering. They stop when the hear me talk.
"Why is that love." Klaus says smirking at me.
"I never had siblings. Atleast i don't think i did. If i did i would remember something a memory. You must have many stories about each other." They look at each sibling about to spill embarrassing secrets.
"Well how about i tell you one." Esther says glaring at her children playfully.
"Ohhhh please tell." I said grinning.
"Well when rebekah was very young and i was still pregnant with Henrik. She was very bossy.-" klaus interrupts her saying, "Some things never change lets move on mother."
"No please finish." I say hopefully. Klaus looks at me and shrugs saying, "Carry on."
"As i was saying she was very young. I walked into her room one day to see all of my sons in beautiful-." She pauses dramatically then adds,
"Dresses. Oh niklaus how pretty your purple one was and Elijah yellow suites you." I burst out laughing along with rebekah and Esther. Kol joins in too.
"Oh dont think your out of this. You had a very pretty pink one." Esther says cheerfully directing it at kol. Kol turns bright red.
"Mother we could of lived on without caroline imagining me in a dress. Now im gonna have to make her see me more handsomely" Kol said winking at me. I giggled then they all shared embarrassing stories of each other.
I laid in bed trying to fall asleep on the hard hay bed with a slim piece of cloth over it. This was nothing compared to the bed at the salvatores house. Now I had to focus on finding silas' weakness. We know he loved Tatia but how would we use her. I slowly drifted of to sleep with a million thoughts.

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