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I wake up in a cold sweat knowing something was deathly wrong I wasn't awake. I couldn't be. I was everywhere but also nowhere. The feeling hypnotized me but through the darkness a piercing scream. I sat in darkness hugging my knees knowing next the scream would come from me.

"Your child is but a dream." I felt my body flinch at the overwhelming voice.

"My son what do you mean. Whats wrong with my baby?"

"The last few days Caroline... Never happened. Youve been in a coma for weeks. You've made this silly little world that obviously would never happen in real life so give it up and move on." The voice yells at the end. I couldn't tell if the voice was male, female, young, or old. Tears spring to my eyes. It couldn't be real. I let out an earpiercing scream and feel my stomach do a twist.

Klaus' POV:

I wipe the crimson blood from my chin and rip the witched head off.

"Niklaus must you kill every which who isnt able to crack this Caroline mystery?" I smile... But the smile wasn't real it held pain and anger. I was hurt and terrified.

"They all have been able to get into her head Elijah. But as soon as they do they come back out crying painfully. Which leads me to believe Caroline was dead Caroline is suffering. And the though of that makes me wanna kill and inflict pain on others..." I growl then whisper. "I want them to feel how I do 'lijah. Its the only way to keep me from really messing up."

A piercing scream fills my ears and me and Elijah flash to Caroline's room. I remember the last time I saw the light in her eyes, her smile. I had raked my eyes over her body and next thing I know she was on the floor. We checked the room for any signs of what could have done this. I remember my shock when I found the pregnancy test shockes. Elijah listened for a heart beat I couldn't bare to do it. Nothing was there not even a little thud. Relieve and a bit of sadness passed through me. I was happy no child would have a father like myself but also sad that Caroline was alone in a time like this.

"Caroline!! Love." I flash into the room. Her eyes are bloodshot, tears freely run down her face, and blood pours from her nose. and she has a maid pinned to the wall feeding off of her. I rip her off knowing she's regret it later and Elijah leads the maid out the room.

I sit her down and look her in the eyes.

"Caroline... Im here for you " I wrap my arms around her and feel her hug me back.

"Look." She says.

"What love." I pull back confused.

Her eyes flicker from my eyes to my lips.

"I want you but I also feel so numb. I want to feel something." She says softly.

"Shhh." I rock us back and forth and turn her to look at me. My lips slowly touch hers and I feel her pull me into her mind. Outside of her mind our kiss becomes faster.

"Why am I in your head Caroline." We sit in the quarter drinking coffee.

"Look Klaus." She looks behind me and Rebekah comes towards us with a scroller.

"Nik here you are I brought him to a nice shop. He was excellent." Rebekah says rubbing her hands against something within the scroller out of eye view.

"Whats this?." I ask though I knew the question.

"Throughout the time I was out I invented a whole world. Where I was pregnant with a baby boy. Our son and one day I just woke up. This voice told me it was all fake and everything that had happened was ripped away from me including our son. So no Nik I'm not okay. I'm heartbroken that my stupid mind would trick me into inventing this false reality." We're pulled from her mind and we stop making out. I feel tears on my face from where she had begun crying.

"It'll be okay Caroline you'll move on it will be hard deathly hard but time will pass and so will the pain. I swear it..." She lays done leaving obious room for me.

"Im tired." She yawns. I smirk knowing she's been sleeping for weeks.

"Then I will sleep with you." I lay down and she dozes off with both her arms wrapped around me and her head on my chest.

"I won't leave I promise you."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2020 ⏰

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