the games (part 1)

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The next day we decided we would start the games so we had to draw partners tonight.
We all put our names in a bowl and would draw.
"Who draws first," Katherine calls out.
"Me," Kol yells jumping forward.
"Okayyy," Katherine says holding the bowl towards him.
He reaches his hand out and unfolds the paper. His face turns bright red and he smiles from ear to ear.
"Looks like Mrs. Bennett will be my partner." Him and I both smile brightly.
Bonnie's eyes go wide.
"There's no way he cheated I know it." Bonnie sqeals.
"Rules are rules sorry Bon," I say winking at Kol. Of course, he cheated at least I think he did.
"I'm next," Damon says reaching for the bowl. As he reads the paper his face twisted to disgust.
"Yuck. Looks like I got Katherine." She smiles sweetly at him.
"Remember Damon I'm older and stronger than you. I won't hesitate to rip your heart out. Don't think I wanna be with you either." She growls.
"I'll go," Rebekah calls out as she grabs the bowls.
"Ugh, I got Gilbert."
"Be nice bekah," I say as Elena rolls her eyes.
"Fine at least your not Katherine." She says trying to be nice.
"Thanks, I guess," Elena adds.
"Would you all stop fighting," Elijah says.
"I'll go then," I say grabbing a piece of paper. I could get Stefan, Elijah, or Klaus. My heart beat very fast. I open the paper and my name is written on it. I pull another paper and open it.
"Well, I got Klaus." I roll my eyes. "Of course, I got him," I say holding the paper. I look at him and see him smirking. I give him a small smile.
"It looks like you do." He replies not looking from my eyes. All of a sudden Katherine burst out laughing.
"What." I squeal.
"You... You two are.... are having sex. Its written all over you're faces." She says trying to calm her laughter.
Klaus just grins like an idiot.
"We are NOT," I yell standing.
"Then you didn't have sex." She says eyeing me.
"What... no... I..." I stumble over my words.
"I'll leave you alone for now Forbes. But you're a terrible liar." She says smiling.

"I get the other Salvatore then. Now lets head to bed we have a long day ahead of us." Elijah says with a neutral face. We all stand to go to bed.

"Oh, one more thing we'll go in order from the first pick to last. So, Kol Bonnie, you're both first you need to pick a game by 9:00 pm. The game night ends at midnight." I say. They all nod and we continue. I go to open the door but somebody grabs my hand. I look up to ocean blue eyes.
"Do you need anything," I ask him sweetly rolling my eyes.
"Just to say goodnight," Klaus says nicely.
"Goodnight Klaus." With that, I went into my room and laid on my bed and fell asleep with Klaus on my mind.
"You are a useless boy." An angry voice calls out.
"Father please don't. Don't hurt me." Klaus' voice pleads.
A room forms in around me. I stand in the Mikealsons old living room. Mikeal towers over Klaus as he sits in the corner. He hugged his knees.
"You're a disappointment. An embarrassment." Mikeal says taking off his belt.
"Father I didn't do anything." Klaus cries out. I try to move. I wanted to rip mikeals heart out. No, I want him to suffer. But my legs don't move they stay stuck in place.
"This is to keep you in line." He roars. I scream as he swings the whip. I hear it hit the flesh and start to sob I was worthless. I couldn't do anything.
"I will kill you. I will kill you mikeal. Stop please stop." I yell Over and over again the whip meets his skin.
"Klaus, Klaus," I scream at his horrifying screams.
"Its gonna be okay," I say but I hear another voice copy mine. Klaus' voice.

I twist as I flutter my eyes open.
"Shhh love its a nightmare your okay." He whispers in my ear. He lays behind me my body pressed to his.
"Klaus, Klaus," I whisper frantically.
"It's me your fine." I grab onto his arms and wrap them around me.
"Mikeal he.... he was beating you... I couldn't do anyth-..." I sob out.
"I'm fine shhh." After an hour I finally start to slowly drift to sleep.
He lays me down and tries to leave.
"Klaus," I whisper. He smiles as he turns.
"Yes, love."
"Please stay." He looks at me in disbelieve.
"Okay." He says as he walks to the other side of my bed. He sits dipping the bed. He slowly comes closer. He wraps his arm around me but he was still a foot away. I smile as I scoot back until I was right up against him.
He tenses but relaxes when I begin to fall asleep.

I wake the sun shining through my window. I turn and almost scream at seeing another person in my bed. I chuckle at myself. Everything from last night comes back to me.
"Enjoying the view love." He says without opening his eyes. This reminded me of when we woke up beside the water.
"I'm just thinking." He opens his beautiful eyes.
"About what." I turn red.
"Nothing," I say smiling.
"Don't make me compel it out of you." He says only half joking.
"I was thinking about when we woke up beside the water." He smirks.
"Oh really. Well, we can recreate that night without the water." I smack him on his chest as I roll out of bed.
"Okay, Nik keep trying. I won't ruin our friendship.... again." He laughs at me.
"We'll see love." I go to the bathroom as I take a shower.
Afterward, I put on a black lacey bra and panties.
Just when I go to grab my shirt Klaus walks in.
"Klaus, I'm naked. Get out." I say grabbing my shirt and trying to cover myself.
"One its not anything I haven't seen. Two you look amazing. And three I need a shower." He says as he pulls off his shirt.
"Go to your own bathroom then," I say covering my eyes in the meantime I drop my shirt. I yelp.
"Love your a disaster." He says laughing. I open my eyes to yell at him but Choke. He's naked as he opens the sliding glass and walks in. He catches my eyes and smirks. Luckily the shower morfed so you couldn't see the inside when he did get in the shower.
"Your staring." He laughs out.
"I... Klaus stop you know what you're doing. You're trying to seduce me it's not gonna work." I squeal moving to leave.
"Oh really." He says grabbing the shower head and spraying me with it. He laughs hysterically.
"Klaus." I yelp holding my hands in front of me. Somehow I moved closer. He grabs my waist and pulls me into the shower. Water runs over my head. I look up at him. He stares at me and leans forward.
"Caroline." Rebekah's voice calls out from the other side of the door. My heart speeds up. This looks bad. Really bad.
"Umm yeah," I say pulling away.
"I'm coming in. I need your hair curler." Just when I go to decline she walks in. I stick my head out the shower trying to hide Klaus. This looked really really bad.
"Why are you wearing your bra." She asks seeing my strap.
"Oh um I was about to take it off." I stumble out.
"Okay. Take it off then. I'm not looking." She giggles out. I look back at Klaus' smirking face.
"Okay then." I unhook the back as I slide it down my arm I cover my chest. He grabs my waist so I smack his hand away.
"Thanks, care." She says going to leave.
I sigh in relieve until she pops her head back in.
"Oh, by the way, it's a little early in the morning for shower sex." She smirks.
"No.. Were not-"
"It's fine. I'll be going now."
I turn to Klaus holding my chest still.
He just smirks.
"I'm going to kill you. Now Rebekah thinks were having sex." I squeal quietly.

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