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Everything was getting better Klaus and I were becoming friends again and me, Elena, and Bonnie were talking again. It had been a week since I moved in and I couldn't be happier.

"No, you remember when you met that boy Stephan at the festival." I laugh out to Rebekah.
"Ah yes he was a sweet boy."
"Whatever happened to him anyway."
"I killed him. The bloodlust made us wipe out our whole village. Every friend we ever had we killed." I look at her sadly.
"It wasn't your faults it was Mikeals. He was horrible."
"You remember when you almost killed Mikeal for touching Niklaus. You really cared about him."
I smile at the memory. But sadness fills my heart.
"That was the scariest moment in my life. I hated seeing him that way."
"You loved my brother what happened." She sits up from the bed and squints her eyes at me.
"I... I don't know. I loved Klaus but I don't know if I was in love with Klaus."
"I heard my name I hope its all good stuff," Klaus says beside the door.
"Brother eavesdropping are we." Rebekah snaps.
"Just want to be a part of girl talk."
"Klaus what do you want." I groan smiling. He was so cute- what no Klaus is not cute. Just be quite Caroline.
"Quite frankly love I'm bored." He smirks.
"Fine, what do you wanna do," I say standing up.
"Let's go downstairs."
"Woah are you sure that's safe," I say sarcastically.
"Just come on love."
As I make my way down the stairs I hear a familiar voice.
As I flash to it tears well up in my eyes.
"Elena." I breathe out.
Kol and Stefan were talking to her, Bonnie, and Damon.
We all hug as the tears fall faster.
"Where are you guys staying."
"A hotel down the street.-" Bonnie answered.
"Nonsense you will stay with us," Kol said winking at Bonnie. She rolled her eyes but smiled.
I turn to Klaus and give him my puppy eyes.
He smirks.
"You may stay here if you wish," Klaus answered. I hugged him
"Thank you," I whispered.
Elena goes to decline but I interrupt her.
"Please Elena." She thinks hard but says yes.
"I'll stay here if I get a room far away from Kol," Bonnie says smacking his hand off her waist.
"I can arrange that," Klaus says smiling.

We all talked for hours. I really missed them and they missed me too. They said it was hard but they accepted that I loved the Mikealsons and that they couldn't change my mind.

"So hows everything here," Elena asks smiling.
"Well at first it was bad. Klaus hated me but know its okay and were friends again." They look at me confused.
"Why did Klaus hate you," Bonnie asks.
I look down at my hands nervously.
My heart speeds up. I couldn't lose them the first day I got them back.
"Promise me you won't leave me or get mad."
"I promise you I won't leave you but I can't promise I won't get mad," Elena explains.
"Same for me," Bonnie adds in.
"Okay..." I say before jumping into the story. I tell them every last detail. Besides how we had sex.
"Um... Wow, I did not expect all that." Elena says nervously.
"Please don't hate me I shouldn't have led him on... He was just so nice and caring... He was not the same Klaus. He made me so happy. I'm really really sorry-"
"Calm down I'm not mad," Elena says smiling.
"Yeah we're not mad," Bonnie says.
"But I have one question," Elena says smirking evilly.
"How was he. I mean you made out with Kol. And had sex with Klaus before in Mystic Falls. How was it."
"Elena." I and Bonnie yell.
"I'm not listening to this I'm gonna throw up," Bonnie exclaims.
"Oh shut up Bennett I know you have a thing for Kol," I say laughing.
"I do not." She yells.
"Come on Forbes tell me. How was it? Are they good."
"Well...." I start but all of a sudden a knock interrupts us.
"Come in," I yell.
"I just wanted to tell you guys that the boys can hear you and they're all laughing. We all began listening when Elena wanted to know how my brothers were. You should burn sage." Rebekah says with a grossed out face.
I hear them all laugh.
Bonnie burns sage to keep our conversation private.
"Well since I kissed Kol first let's start with him. Kols an amazing kisser." I continue
"He's so rough. He also has a tight grip. And-"
"Can we please stop talking about my brother. I'm gonna be sick." Rebekah says coming in and sitting down. I begin again.
"But Klaus is way better and that's saying a lot. When he kisses me my whole body feels like it's on fire. I mean like wow. And the time we had sex is was out of this world. And-"
"Okay. Okay, can we please stop." Rebekah begs.
"Fine," I say smirking then add.
"But most likely when we have girl talk it'll involve your brothers."
"Okay just don't go in detail."
"Okay, beks," I say grinning at her grimacing face.

After a while of talking I have an idea.
"How about we do something fun."
"Oh, what is it," Rebekah says smiling.
"For the next 5 days, we'll play a series of drinking games. Whoever wins the most games gets to choose what we all do. It can be a trip or making someone do something embarrassing. We'll draw teammates. Together we'll pick a game with our teammate and We'll play it. Each game has to have a way to get other players out. You can lose your teammate but still be in the game. Last person standing wins." I say to all of them. Their faces change to the excitement.

We all stand in front of the boys saying my idea.
"Sounds fun only one problem love there only 9 of us we need an even number." Klaus points out.
"I got that handled I called-"
"The guest of honor has arrived." A female voice called out interrupting me. We all turn towards her. Next thing I know she's against a wall.
"Klaus let go of her now," I yell.
"Love why would you invite Katerina Petrova to my house." He says bitterly.
"She's a bitch yes but shes also my friend. So let go of her now." He looks at me confused but slowly he lets go.
"Thank you," I say. Then I turn to Katherine.
"Kat." I squeal before hugging her.
"Hows New York," I ask. We engage in conversation. As everyone stares confused and in shock. No one knew she was my friend.
"Helloooo vampire-barbie, evil vampire slut. Save this for later." Damon groans out.
"Oh right the games," I say with a broad smile.

where it all started (klaroline)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ