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Wind blows my hair into my face. I stur a little. I instantly tense up feeling arms around me. I relax as it all comes back to me. A smile spreads across my face. Last night was.... amazing. He was so gentle something that changes in the future. But at the same time he was rough. My whole body buzzed. I turned and stared at him. This was so confusing. I made present klaus promise to leave and never come back and now here i was sleeping with him.
"Like what you see love." Klaus groans.
"Why else would i lay with you. I like what i see a lot." He smiled as he all of a sudden spun so i was under him.
He kissed me.
Just then i noticed i was naked and so was he.
"What if someone sees us." I ask smiling up at him.
"I wouldn't care because i have the most beautiful caring women in this world right in front of me. I would be to happy to care about what they would say."
I smiled as tears came to my eyes.
"Thank you nik."
"Caroline can i ask you something."
"I wish.... I'm asking if you'll allow me.."
"Come on just ask me."
"Will you allow me to.... court you." I gasped in shock. I knew this was a big deal.
"Yes. Yes i would love to be courted by you."
I kissed him passionately.

     We got dressed and raced home for breakfast. We laughed as we opened the door.
"Oh my lord where have you two been." Rebekah squils as she pulls us into a hug.
"Were fine." Klaus says shaking his head as he smiles.
"Mother is upset. You better give a good excuse."
"I will sister. Now finish breakfast while i go talk to her." He said as he kissed her on the cheek then me on ths mouth and went upstairs.
Rebekahs eyes widened.
"Shhhh dont say anything. We'll discuss this later. Now keep quiet." She nodded as a huge smile spread across her face.
I helped her finish breakfast and we all ate. Klaus must of gave Esther a good excuse because she seemed fine.
"So how was the festival."
"Oh it was amazing mother. I met a boy." Rebekah said immediately interested in the tables conversation.
"Really he better be a good man. Anybody else." Esther said smiling at the rest of the table. Klaus looked up and smiled at me. He mouthed "may i."
I nodded giggling a little.
"Well mother i may of asked Caroline if i could court her."
All their mouths dropped open. This way a really big deal. More than i thought.
"What. When did this happen brother." Elijah said excited.
"Not fair. I wanted to court caroline." Henrik whines. We all smile at him then turn our attension to klaus.
"Well it happened at the festival. He lied a little.
"This is amazing." Kol said kissing my head.

      (2 and a half weeks later)

  "This is hard." I whine as i hold the bow.
"Listen love hold it like this." Klaus says grabbing my hips and shifting my body. He grabs my hands and moves them correctly on the bow.
"Now pull." He whispers in my ear sending shivers over my body. I pull back the bow along with the arrow. "Now release." I let go and it hits the target perfectly. Kol makes gaging noises as us. As Elijah and Rebekah smile at us.
"Now try it on your own." Kol suggest.
I breath out and try to do it. Kol bursts out laughing as it flops on the ground.
"Stop laughing." I yell as i put another arrow in and turn to him. They all drop to the ground scared i would shoot them.
"You just need some practice that's all love." I smile at him as i meet his lips and we kiss slowly.
"If you two keep kissing i will shoot you both myself."
I roll my eyes as we all keep practicing.

    It was the full moon and we all hid in the cave. I smile as i remember a few days earlier when they tried to teach me how to use a bow and arrow.
"Love your distracting me." Klaus says from his bed.
"Your smile. Its distracting." He says with a smirk on his face. We whispered because everyone else was sleeping.
"Is that so." I say as i get up and walk towards his bed. I lay down and wrap my arms around him as i lay my head on his chest.
"It is so."
"Fine i just won't smile at you anymore." I say playing along.
"That would be the worst fate love. Now lets sleep."
I drift off as soon as i do i enter the darkness and it spins.
I had totally forgotten about the visit every month/day.
I stood up in the very familar white room.
"Caroline." Bonnie pounces on me.
"Ms. Bennett." I say bowing properly. We both laugh at me.
"So can everyone hear us." I ask making sure this time.
"Yeah. But i can make it just us if you'd like."
"No it's fine." I say smiling brightly. My smile fades as it hits me. What would i do when i got home. I don't know how i felt about klaus in the present time. I have feelings for Niklaus but what if its different. And worst of all what if me, kol, rebekah, and elijah weren't my friends anymore. I started to cry but didn't notice.
"Caroline." Bonnie pulls me out of ny thoughts.
"Your crying." She holds me again.
"I just miss Everyone."
"Its okay."
"Hey care." Everyone at home yells. I hear two of my bestfriends voices kol and rebekah.
"Enough about me did you find anything on the dagger." Her eyes light up as i wipe the tears away.
"Yes actually we found a couple of spells on it. Were gonna use a memory spell so no one remembers you for your safety. Since we got the dagger so early that means you'll be coming home in a month now." My whole world shattered a month thats all i had left.
I fell to the ground as my knees collapsed. The tears trickle down my face as i sit pulling my knees towards my body.
"Caroline. Whats going on." Bonnie says kneeling and holding me.
"I want to see them." I say calming myself a bit as i wipe some tears away.
"Who. You'll see elena and everyone soon."
"No i wanna see kol, rebekah, elijah..... and.... and Klaus."
"O... Okay give me a sec." She studders confused. "Oh Elijah just flew in to talk to klaus about some new Orleans business so he has no idea you went back in time. So he night be a little confused." She smiled hugging me one last time. In a split second she was gone and they stood infront of me confused.
I stood up and looked at them. It was weird usally we'd be talking right now.
"I know you all probely hate me or not know me very well. But you all are the most important people to me. You've all become my family. I'll never forget about you guys. You'll probably forget about me because of the spell. But just know i love you all. And I'll always remeber the time we spent together."
They just starred at me. I noticed tears in rebekah and kols eyes.
"We.... No one has ever cared about us before." Kol says wiping the tears away.
I smiled and flashed up to him and he wrapped his arms around me along with the rest of them. They all fade away because i asked to talk to klaus alone.
"Klaus." I say fragiley.
"Yes love."
"Forget about me. I want you to go back to New Orleans and get your Kingdom back. Be happy with your family. Please can you do that for me."
"Why. Why do you want this."
"Because you and your family deserve it. Now promise me you'll leave."
"Klaus." I say as a tear slides down my face.
"I... I promise." He Chokes out.
"Thank you." I whisper as i kiss his cheek.
Just like that it faded away and i woke up in my bed at home.
I stirred as i stretched. I was wrapped in my blankets and tears covered my face.
I walked out of my room and went to the kitchen. It was so quiet.
"Hello." I called out. There was no answer. Where was everyone.

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