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I laid in bed not seeing anyone day after day. Soon the days turned to a week. I guess that was rebekahs limit.
"Im tired of you being in bed crying all hours of the day. I don't know what happened but i need my best friend right now. So please get up. I need you." She cried out. I sighed as i turned to face her she jumped a little. I probely looked scary i had been crying for days and had been hating myself.
"I... I just can't see him. I hurt him so bad."
"Who? Nik he's fine. He doesn't care about what you said to our father."
"You mean he's not upset." I say confused.
"No i mean he's fine happy even. So come on get up."
I was so confused. He told me he loved me then i ran away.
Confusion turned to anger. Did he really not care whether i loved him or not.
"Fine ill be down in a little while."
"Good. By the way you missed breakfast and lunch."
"Im fine im not hungry."
"Okay." She went to leave but stopped.
"I love you. We all do."
"I know and... And i love all of you more than anything."

I made my way to the living room. I saw kol, rebekah, finn, and Henrick.
"Hey." I greet them.
Kols eyes flash happiness.
"Finally. Everythings been such a bore without you." Kol said hugging me.
"I know i apologize."
They all hugged me and said they missed me.
"Now please can we all get out of this house. I need some air."
"Yeah lets go." Rebekah says standing from the sofa.

Me, Bekah, and kol all left for the market place. I laughed as kol made a joke about one of the village people.
I looked towards a food stand and saw Elijah smiling at Tatia. Which made me smile.
That faded when i saw klaus at another stand talking to a girl. Then he kissed her. I grabbed the food and dress i had bought then went home without kol or bekah noticing. I sat the food in the kitchen then went to my room. I paced for a few minutes then decided i needed a walk. As i opened the door klaus stood there reaching for the knob.
"Caroline. You came out of your room."
"Yeah. I was just leaving." As i go to walk away he grabs my arm and twirls me around.
"I understand if you don't love me
But please don't hate me. I need you even if were just friends." With that he went into the house. I was stunned.
I turn and grab him. He looks at me smirking.
"Who was that." I say angrily.
"What do you mean." He says confused his smirk fading.
"That girl you were kissing."
He smiles a little.
"Just some girl. Since im no longer courting you i decided to look for a new girl." I look at him slightly hurt and really mad. Then he says.
"That's unless you want me." He leans in close. I couldn't. I turned and left the house hearing him laugh.

The next 3 days flew by. I tried to make things go back to normal. We all laughed and spent time together.
Every once in a while i would meet klaus' eyes and catch him starring at me.

I woke up late at night to get some water. I walked out of my room and started to walk only to run into a body coming out of there room. I pressed my hands agianst their chest. They had no shirt on. I instantly knew the body. It belonged to no other than klaus mikealson.
"We just gonna stand here love." He whispered. The torches hung throughout the house cast a little light on him. The lights flickered over his face.
"I don't mind love. But i really am thirsty and-" his words faded out and i couldn't hear him. I looked at his lips then back to his eyes. I stood on my tippy toes and grabbed his neck pulling him towards my lips. God what was wrong with me. I would say i wouldn't go back to him then boom i was kissing him. But god it felt so good. So right and he was an amazing kisser. This would be the last time. Im going home in 3 days anyway. I wanted him so badly. The kiss was amazing. He spun me and lightly pushed me against the wall. I kissed him harder now.
He pulled back which made me groan.
"What does this mean."
"I don't know nik. All i know is i need you now." I leaned into kiss him but he pulled back.
"Please... Nik." I whisper in his ear. He moans and picks me up. He pushes me against the wall again as i wrap my legs around him.
"You know i can't say no to you." He then kisses me causing me to moan.
He walks into his room and closes the door throwing me in the bed. I grin at him. He walks towards me a smirk on his face. His hands touch my chest as he pushes me down on the bed. Next thing i know he's on top of me. My night gown is the first thing to go. He kisses my neck and slowly goes lower. He stops just above my underwear. He grabs them and rips them off. Moans slip through my mouth. I hold my hand over it to stop me from screaming as he pleasures me. God was he good. He new what to do even though hes only been with me.
"Nik. I want you inside me." I say on the erge of Cumming.
His face comes back up to mine.
"How much do you want me." He smirks. I groan in annoyance. I flip us over. His grin grows.
I slid my hands up his shirt. I touch his chest as he moans slightly. I tear his shirt off and place a kiss behind his ear. Then to his stomach. I travel down his happy trail. I reach my hand down his pants and he moans throwing his head back.
"I really... Really want you."
I pleasure him this time and he moans so seductively. He lost control and flipped me over sliding into me.
I kissed him over and over again. My moans start to get louder so he puts a hand over my mouth. He thrusts into me one last time. We both cum and he falls off me. Sweat covers out bodies. That was amazing. I look at him then smile. I put on my bra and night gown just in case.
I go to leave but he grabs me and pulls me back to the bed.
He embraced me in his arms as he laid behind me. I tried to get away but gave up. Soon i fell asleep. It felt so right to be like this. But i knew it would end soon.

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