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I woke early to go see Amara.
I open the door and ran around town asking everyone. Finally, someone tells me she owns a store called Amaras down by the river it was a herb shop.
"Hello," I call out.
"Hi dear. What will it be."
"I'm here to talk to you... In private." I told her everything leaving out vampires.
"So this Silas man is trying to bring back a lover. Which puts my family and others in danger."
"Yes. Her names Bonnie Bennett. She told me I need you to stop him."
"Well. I have something powerful. Here. Its called the moon and sun dagger. See down here it has a ruby jewel. This is it do what you want with it. Just be safe."
"I will and thank you just don't tell anyone of this."
"I won't now go get breakfast before you miss it."

I walk through the front door just in time as everyone sits for breakfast. I was thrilled I had stopped to get Esther herbs and bekah a dress.
"What's this for," Esther says smiling as I hand the jars of herbs to her.
"Just to say thank you."
I walk over to Rebekah and hand her the creme pink dress.
"Thanks care it's beautiful." She says hugging me.
The boys stare at me confused because yesterday I was crying and now have a massive smile on my face.
"And for you boys," I say handing Henrick and Finn new bows and arrows.
"Oh my thank you it's my first one," Henrick said extremely happy.
"Thank you," Finn said smiling.
Kol, Elijah, and Klaus looked sad seeing i had nothing else.
"And for you 3. You get to entertain me." I say as i walk outside. They look confused as everyone follows besides esther as she finishes some touches on breakfest.
Leaning on a log i have 3 hand crafted swords with their names engraved on them they also had the pouch that the sword slides in. Their faces lit up.
"Now you boys may have a contest. Whoever wins gets whatever they wish for..... Something i cam actually grant though."
"Are you sure you'll be okay little brother." klaus asks starring at kol.
"Oh im sure." He said picking up his sword.
"But ofcourse this will happen after breakfast." Esther says sticking her head out the door.

    We all headed outside after breakfast excited for the contest. I had went and got Tatia to watch.
First was kol against klaus then klaus against Elijah. Then kol against Elijah. Whoever wins twice wins whatever they wish for.
First round was fast klaus put all his strength into it. It ended with klaus' sword against kols throat and kol on the floor.
Klaus was now going up against Elijah. All he had to do was win this one to win the wish.
But Klaus was tired from the last fight so he grew extremly tired as the fight went on and ended up losing. Last was kol and elijah most surprisingly kol won. I think Elijah allowed him. Because Elijah had everything he wanted. Now kol and Klaus went against each other. Whoever won this would win the wish. They fought for what felt like forever. Klaus swung his sword kol swung his. Both trying to get the upper hand. Klaus slid his sword to the right and jumped back dodging kol. Kol swung and klaus kicked kol off his balance causing kol to fall and klaus putting the sword against his throat. They both laughed as klaus helped Kol up.
"Good game brother." Klaus said as he patted the dirt off kols shoulder.
"Now miss caroline i grant my wish."
"And what will it be."
"I wish for you to accompany me to the Festival."
My face twisted in confusion.
"And thats all."
"That's all."
I smiled.
"Well mr. Mikealson when will these festives take place."
"The first week after the full moon."
"I'll be there. With you ofcourse."

      2 weeks later.

I laid in the bed in the cave. It was the full moon so we all had to hide. My head started to spin and it all went black.

    I stood slowly as the white room formed.
"Caroline." Bonnies voice erupted as a body pounced on me.
"Bonnie it feels like its been forever."
"So did you find anything. Whats happened. Is kol as annoying as he is now-."
"Woah slow down. First, alot has happened. The mikealsons are.... Well they're amazing Bonnie. They mean a lot to me. Kol is very obnoxious even before he turned. But i could never lose him. Rebekah is so..... Nice. She's one of my bestfriends which i never saw coming but now i can't imagine us not being friends. Elijah he's like the brother i never had. He's there for me when i need him. He tells me how to handle my problems. Klaus.... he's confusing i can't really describe him. Me, kol, and Klaus had a falling out but they apologized were okay now. And truth be told i couldn't be happier." I just wanted to say everything to get it out of the way.
Bonnie looked completely shocked. It made me laugh realizing i was talking about the most dangerous people in this world. She looked like she was gonna pass out but somehow she croaked out.
"What happened."
This confused me. Why wasn't she yelling or asking me why i was talking so nicely about them. All she did was ask what the falling out was.
"Don't get mad because i know you have a thing for kol but he started kissing me and-"
"Care i have to tell you-"
"And then klaus saw me leaving kols room. They both were very mad at me. But then they apologized and now everything's back to norm.-"
"Why would we apologize love." Klaus' angry voice erupted.
"Care i was trying to tell you everyone back home can hear us. They wanted to say hello."
"Hey Blondie." Damons voice rings out.
"Like i said before why would we apologize." Klaus says agian angrily.
"Never mind that care bear how was the kissing. Can you pass it along to bonnie so she'll finally give in to me."
"Shut your mouth kol why did WE APOLOGIZE." His voice roars out causing Bonnie to jump.
"Because Tatia yelled at you guys. You don't know the whole story."
"Please enlighten me."
"FINE. Because when i was kissing kol I wished it were you. HAPPY." I didn't tell him the complete truth but I also didn't lie.There was complete silence. So i decided to talk.
"Bonnie Amara gave me this." I pulled out the dagger. "Its called the sun and moon dagger. She pointed out the ruby. Im guessing you can find something out about the dagger in a grimorie."
"O.. Okay well thanks for everything. I'll talk to you in a month or sooner maybe twice a week."
"Don't make in worse than it already is Bon. I know everyone's listening. Questioning if I'm really a good person because i said Klaus' name while i kissed his brother but right now im happy. The family I've lived with for the past month have been the only friends I've had for awhile and now I'm gonna go spend the next 6 months with the most amazing family and hope to god one day i see that family again. The same family i would have met a thausand years ago."
"Care-" then it all went black.

    I woke up in a dark cave dimly lit by torches.
I got up from my bed and grazed my hand against the names written on the cave walls. The rest of the family laid on separate beds around the cave all peacefully asleep. I grabbed a dagger and carved my name beside klaus and Rebekahs.
"What are you doing." Klaus whispered.
"I wanna come back here one day and see my name on this wall. Along side all of yours to know i was apart of this family once."
"You will always be apart of this family. We will never forget you. Not in a million years." I laughed knowing he might actually live a million years.
"Yes." He said stepping closer. I turned around and we were face to face. Inches apart.
"Did you love Tatia."
He looked taken back but answered.
"I did."
"What made you stop loving her."
He looked directly at me. His eyes burned into mine.
"You." He whispered. His hands went to my waist.
"Nik." I whispered.
He leaned in coming to a stop beside my ear.
"Goodnight love."

    He stepped away as he went back to his bed. By body was on fire. Slowly i walked back to my bed. My mind spun. "Why didn't he kiss me." That question ran through my head a million times as i tried to drift asleep. Sooner or later i did.

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