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Klaus pov (present)

I was confusing thats all she had to say. Ohhh she could never lose kol, Rebekahs her bff, Elijahs like her brother, and me i... I was confusing. What made it even worse i was surrounded by her friends. I just wanted to see her, hear her, touch her again.
Then i heard it the worst thing to ever ented my ears "i kissed kol."
After a lot of yelling she finally told me why we would apologize.
"FINE. Because when i was kissing kol i said your name. HAPPY."
The room fell quiet. No one said a word. They all looked shocked. Even the oldest salvatore. I ignored the rest of the conversation. Bonnie reappeared with a dagger. They all frantically searched through grimorie after grimorie.

"Ah big brother. Wanna talk." Kol said in an annoying tone. It had been a few hours since the talk with Caroline.
"No kol. Actually right now i want to rip your throat out."
"You know Caroline would be mad if you did that. She can't live without me. Im actually starting to like the little vampire." I turned from the balcony and wrapped my hands around his throat.
"Leave me." I growled as i threw him across the room.
"Ouch." He murmered before leaving.

Caroline's pov

I had been a week since the full moon and it was time for the Festival. Esther gave us all today off from chores so we could get ready.
I stepped out of my room with the blue dress i had worn the first day.
Somebody grabbed me and lightly put me against the wall.
His face was inches from mine.
"Good morning love. Ready for the Festival."
I stared into his beautiful eyes.
"Absolutely. Now i have to go get a dress with Bekah if you'll excuse me." I slid away from his hold but he grabbed my hand and twirled me back towards him.
"Trying to run away love."
"No i just want to look presentable tonight. I want to look pretty... for you."
"Oh Caroline. You always look beautiful no matter what."
I blushed like crazy. Finally he let me go and me and Bekah left. I lived up to my word. I told everyone back home i would make the most of the time i had left with the mikealsons and i did. We hung out all the time. We laughed, smiled, joked. They were becoming my family. They meant so much to me. And it happened in such a small amount of time. I had been friends with Bonnie and Elena since i was a little girl and i never felt as close to them as i am with kol, elijah, rebekah, and Klaus. Finn was never really around and Henrick was a little to young to actually connect with. But nun the less i cared about them.

"Caroline. Hello what about this one." Bekah said holding up a dress. It had a tight fitting corset and was a light green.
"I don't think that's really for me."
"Okay we'll keep looking." She sighed sitting the dress down.
Something caught my eye though. It looked like a ballgown dress. It was light blue in some places and darkblue in others. It reminded me of the one klaus had given me for his party at tylers house. Wow i forgot about Tyler. Jeremy and matt moved to colorado to go to college. Later i found out he went to colorado to join them in college. After alot of yelling he broke up with me for another girl he met in the mountains. He said he's been in love with her for a while and me and him had grown apart. I hadn't talked to him since. But then i heard he slept with the were-slut Hayley Marshel. Oh did he get an ear full.
"You would look beautiful in that. You should get it." Rebekah said holding a dress of her own. It was a white/yellowish dress. It would look so good on her.
"Yes." Come on lets head home to get ready.

       My hands were sweaty as i waited it my room for Klaus. I tried tying my corset but i couldn't reach.
"Here let me." Bekahs voice rings out.
"Thanks." After she was done i turned and saw her in the dress.
"Wow. Rebekah you look amazing."
"Thanks and so do you. Now lets finish your hair and than we'll leave."

    She braided my hair the same way she did before i left.
"Ready love." Klaus said from the door.
I looked up at his lit up eyes. They sparkled as they stared at me.
"Yeah lets get everyone."

       The music hit me as soon as i stepped outside. It was a very old type of music but i was so happy to hear it after so long.
We all danced for awhile and talked for hours. When Elijah and Klaus walked away to talk to some of their friends me and rebekah started to dance. Rebekah backed up and tripped. Hands gripped around her.
"Oh my im so sorry....." The words died in her mouth as she stared up at him.
"Im stephan." He said staring down at her.
I started dying laughing at how ironic it was.
I walked away to give them two some space.
"Whats so funny love." Kol said pulling me into a dance.
"Nothing." I say letting my giggles die down.
"Kol." I say looking up ar him.
"Caroline." He mocks me.
"Seriously. I have to ask you something." He nods telling me to keep going.
"Do.... Do you still fancy me. Because i.... I think of you as a brother and i care about you a lot."
"Caroline i think your beautiful. But I've grown to think of you as a sister more than anything. Don't get me wrong i still would be with you."
"Good." I laughed.
"Mind if i still you for awhile love."
"Not at all brother." Kol says as he twirls me to klaus.
"Did i tell you how beautiful you look in that dress love."
"No but the way you looked at me told me enough." He laughed. The rest of the night we danced and all hung out together as a family.

      Me and Klaus walked home in silence. I looked up at him and smiled.
"What." He laughed off.
"Your it." I yell as i run to our spot. I used a little vamp speed to get away. I pulled off my dress knowing it's expensive and jumped in the water.
"Caroline. Caroline love. Stop hiding we need to head home."
I reach the surface of the water.
"Come on nik get in the water."
"Love we need get home."
"Please." I say splashing water at him.
All of a sudden he jumps in the water.
"Ahhh." I scream.
"You told me to get in the water." He says flashing his dimples.
"I guess i did."
We stare into each others eyes.
I pull him closer.
"Nik... I-" then his lips were on mine. Electricity buzzed through out my body.
I wrapped my legs around him as he pulled me closer. Somehow we made our way to the grass he kissed me roughly. I smiled against his lips. I flipped us over so i was on top of him. I sat on his lap and leaned down to kiss him.
I kissed him harder.
"Yeah." I breath out sitting up.
"Are you sure about this."
"What do you mean."
"I mean I've never...." Silence fell between us until i relized what he meant. I guessed Tatia was his first. But apparently they hadn't done it yet.
"Yeah..... So are you sure."
"Nik i don't care just as long as its me and you."
Then we smashed our lips together.

where it all started (klaroline)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant