new orleans

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Klaus pov

I twist and turn as i try to sleep. All i could think about was caroline. She was home by now. Was she happy to be home was she sad. That's all i could think of and it was driving me crazy.
Thats when i felt it the worst pain in my whole life. Pictures flash through my head. They're of caroline. Her smiling, crying, laughing. Some of them made me happy others made me sad. Some made angry.
All of them rush through my head making me scream. All of a sudden it stops. I sit on my bed holding my head. What was i supposed to do i promised to never come back. Was i supposed to run to her and tell her i remember. I remember her compelling me. Making me forget about her. I remember her standing up to mikeal telling him she loved me. Was she hoping she could have sex with me use me then make me forget. I start to get angry so decided to get a drink. I hear the rest of my siblings screaming. I run to rebekah.

Soon everyone calmed dowm. Rebekah was crying saying she was hurting. That she needed caroline. Needed to see her. Kol and bekah decided they would go to mystic falls to see her.
"I would love to go but we have issues here. Tell caroline i wish i could see her." Elijah says sincerely. They turn to me.
"I.. i dont want to go. I have business to take care of too. I don't care if you guys want to see her i could care less." With that i went upstairs to think. If i did ever see her again what would i do be mad at her. Be happy. It didn't matter anyway. She didn't want me so i don't want her.

Caroline's pov

We stood in the living room.
"So I'll get my stuff. Just please dont tell Klaus im coming."
"Caroline your staying with us right." Kol asks.
"I don't know maybe ill get a hotel for awhile. Then we'll see how Nik and 'lijah take it." I say and realize i used their nicknames. I go to correct myself but they smile.
"Its fine Caroline. Now go get your bags." Rebekahs says laughing. I hurry upstairs as rebekah says goodbye to stefan.

Rebekah and kol wait for me beside the car. Just as i begin to walk out the door stefan stops me.
"Hey. Im just gonna say it. After this whole silas thing im going to New Orleans to be with rebekah. Honestly Caroline i love her. I have nothing left here and i wanna be with rebekah. I just thought you should know that. Before you leave. I want you to know im under the same spell as you are. The mikelsons are just as flawed as we are and im tired of hating them when were just as bad. Just know your not doing anything wrong."
smile spreads across my face as i hug him.
"Stefan this is great. Thank you so much. I have to go now but i love you. Oh one more thing give this to elena and Bonnie." I hand him a note as i smile one more time before getting in the car and heading to the airport.

Elena pov

I hear the last words leave my bestfriend before i hear the car start and leave. I look up at Bonnie from the tears.
"Are we horrible friends."
"No we just want the best for her. Maybe this is the best thing for her."
"What do we do now." Bonnie asks just then stefan walked into the room.
"Caroline wanted you to have this." He says handing me a folded piece of paper.
He leaves and i open it and read aloud.

I don't really know how to start this out. But here i go.
I know you don't understand why i left or why i care about the mikealson family so much. But all i can say is they changed me. They made me genuily happy. Something you guys could no longer give me. It wasn't your faults though. I was the problem i grew so accustomed to having them in my life. It just made since to go with them. Im sorry if i hurt you. But im starting a new chapter of my life. I would want to have you in that chapter. You may never forgive me but no matter what i love both of you. I hope you understand.

       With love
Caroline Forbes.

Tears fall from our eyes and fall onto the paper.

Carolines pov

I had never been on a plane. It was so beautiful i watched in amazement as we passed the clouds.
A few hours passed and buildings started to come into vision. It was so amazing and wonderful. As Soon as i saw this city i knew this would be my home. I was home. I would spend enternity with the family i loved. I could never ask for anything more.
I look over to kol and rebekah and the smile at me. Tears fall from my eyes not sad tears but happy ones.

I drag my bags behind me as i walk into my room.
"Caroline are you sure you want to stay here." Kol asks as he jumps on the bed.
"Yes it's fine. I just want klaus to calm down a bit."
"What did you do to him. Why are you so scared." Rebekah asks shutting the door.
"I... I did something bad I slept with him..... Three times" Rebekah gasps dramatically as kol laughs.
"It was a lot more than just sex. Just don't tell him im here." I warn.
It was silent as i unpacked. Then kol spoke up.
"Care bear am i a good kisser. I mean we went at it. How was it." I blush and look away. Rebekah gasps for real this time.
"You two had sex." She asks.
"No no never. You remeber when we got into a fight." She nods so i continue. "Well kol started to make out with me and when he had me against a wall kissing me. I kinda moaned Nik." She dies laughing as kol throws a pillow at her.
"Answer my question." He whines.
"Fine don't be all cocky but yes your a good kisser."
"I knew it." He yells. After hours of talking i get pretty tired and they head home. We would meet tomorrow. I couldn't wait.

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