Part 11
SHINE"Good morning babygirl
Her eyes flutterd around for a second till her vision cleared up. Stretching her arms she turned and faced me.covering her naked body . For the first night she actually slept peacefully, not once did she get out of bed. Getting dressed I watched her stare out the window letting the sunshine hit her beautiful skin .
" I gotta get something done well go for lunch when I get back " I kissed her face and grabbed my keys.
All kinds of shit was running through my head during my drive. He moan , her stares , her eyes , everything was stuck in my head. I got hard Everytime I thought about last night.
Daija was the only thing I could think about since I woke up , but I had business to handle so I had to straighten up.
" It's about time "
I walked in shutting the door behind me. The first thing I did was pick up Bella and headed towards Alicia bedroom.
" Shine .. what the hell you doing "
I gave her a pacifier and laid her inside her play pin.
" Shine."
Walking back to the living room she stood there with her PJs on texting on her phone , while Kisha stood behind her giggling at what she wrote.
" So you still didn't take care of what I asked you ... Wtf did I pay you to do ! " A flash of daija and her bruise ran across my mind like lightning, all of a sudden I seen red.
Wrapping my hand around their necks I rose them up against the wall bringing them both up to my height.
" The deal is off take this fucking money and drop it "
They was struggling to breath kicking their feet. I watched their faces turn red before putting her down.
Alicia coughed and gaggedd holding on to her throat.
" Pussy ass bitch I knew you couldn't do it "
Jacking her by tshirt I posted her back against the wall .
" Anything happen to daija imma put yo ass 6 feet deep . ..blood or not , you and that bitch ass nigga of yours."
Her eyes widened at my words she knew I was serious. Alicia knew how I felt about woman abuse specially after all those times I had to save my mom and her ass from getting pounded on by our father.
" You really switching up on me for a bitch "
Half of me wanted to out her ass through this wall because Alicia knew better. Throwing the money on her I let her go and headed to her bedroom.
" Hey baby bell "
I took Bella out her pin and brought her back to the living room where Alicia and Kisha was still in the same spot trying to process our moment. I sat her down and headed for the door. But the door opened before I could touch the door knob. A man dressed in work clothes stood there for minute then enterd the room, walking pass me and straight to bella
" Hey daddies girl "
"Shawn baby , you weren't supposed to be home yet "
" Got off early but what's going on but who this ? "
"Baby that's my brother shine "
" Wassup man " he faced and held out his hand.. instead of shaking it I sized him looking him up and down.
"Uhm ,okay I guess I'll see you around "
" Definitely..."
Before leaving I turned to look at the girls one more time
" Take heed ladies ..... Take heed"