Part 44
my mother came up the stairs holding her head.
"Mary , you okay sweetheart"
"Yes I'm fine "
He stepped closer with his gun still on me and reached for bella.
"No please , at least let her stay down there with me ."
"You could've had that privilege , but you messed it up for yourself." He said grabbing her while I tried to hang on.
"No "
He pointed the gun at her head. And I covered it with my hands.
"Okay , okay "
I finally let go and watched her whine as he held her.
He put her inside a play pin in the corner and took off his jacket, my mother went into the bathroom to get cleaned up.
"I've raised you better then this "
"I just want to take Bella and go home , I don't want any part of this "
He put down his jacket and gun and set it inside the closet.
He didn't say anything he just locked the front doors and walked towards me.
In a flash he snatched my hair bringing me down to the floor.
My mother heard me scream and quickly came out form the bathroom.
"James what are you doing "
"Take yo ass in the room Mary"
She did what was told shutting the door.
He drug me back down the stairs towards the basement I could hear Bella crying from the living room.
"I ain't ask you what you wanted, you could've been loaded with money you chose this way out... I don't have time for your follishness I have buisness to handle"
He pushed me down the rest of the steps and shut the basement door locking it.
I could hear my parents arguing from the outside.SHINE
Waking up from a deep sleep I could feel daija tossing and turning. When my vision adjusted I could see her sweating and still struggling I could tell she was having a nightmare.
"Daija , come on get up baby" I said shaking her
She sprinted up putting her back against the head board .
"Calm down , I'm right here. "
She laid her head on mines and closed her eyes
"What time is it "
"Time to go."
I helped her out of bed and we started getting dressed while naveah stayed sound asleep.
Looking out the window I could see been just pulling up in front of the hotel.
After getting dressed I grabbed naveah and her diaper bag and we headed out , checking out.
"Morning boss "
Daija was still giving her key card to the clerk and I looked at ben.
"Been listen man , I don't care what daija says yes you take orders from her to but if I say she has to be in a certain place that's where she goes you feel me ?"
"Yes sir , I do "
"Good my man " I said dapping him up
Daija got in the truck shutting the door behind her.
"My baby girl awake hi Mama " she went into went into the backseat and started playing with naveah strapping her carseat down.
We didn't even pull all the way out into the street until a another truck came crashing into ours full force making it flip over twice.
My vision became blurry from the impact and blood was running from my head. I could hear veah and daija screaming.
"SHINE!." My vision came back after seeing two men approach the beaten up truck... But they wasn't police men
My seat belt was stuck and I couldn't get loose.
They took daija out the car first as she kicked and screamed at them
I yelled her name and tried to reach for naveah but they went around the truck and grabbed her from the back. Getting angry from watching them shove both of them into another truck I finally got my foot unstuck and made it out of truck. But I was too late by the time I made it out of my own truck they took off speeding down the road.