Part 13
" you gone call me later " he my lips and proceeded to walk towards the door
" I gotta work but I'mma call you first thing in the morning" he said sitting the door behind him. After all this chaos happening in my life I forgot I even had a a damn man at home. I haven't spoken to him in a week, Marcus is my boyfriend we've been dating for a year now. I pulled up my strapless dress and headed to the kitchen pouring me a glass of Henny. I always drank when I'm stressed, ever since Alicia's brother came over to the house my nerves have been bad asf , I couldn't eat , I couldn't sleep ,I couldn't even check the mail without checking my surroundings. I haven't even talked to licia ! . First tiara jumped on me , daija tried to kill me , not to mention Shawn already threaten to kill me if i lied about where daija was. I honestly didn't know where daija was until licia brother came over. And now shine ! I was walking on thin ice, all of this was happening to me all because of Alicia, all because she wanted Shawn. I knew she was playing Shawn but I never would've thought licia would play me to , ! Bitch without me you wouldn't even have bella.
A knock on my door disturb my thoughts. Opening the door speak of the devil. Alicia came rushing in the house shutting and locking the door behind her.
"What's wrong "
She was twitching pacing the room back and forth before fixing her a glass of water.
" It's Shawn .... I think something wrong."
" Why you say that "
Omg what did this bitch get us into now. ! Ever since I met this chick she's even nothing but trouble!
" Shawn has been blowing up my phone like crazy texting me calling me "
" When "
"Idk I left yesterday and like 5 hours later he was calling me nonstop. Idk but that's not like him.... Mm mm somethings wrong "
Can't believe I'm saying this but she was right that isn't like him at all , maybe when it comes to daija but he would never blow up Alicia phone unless he was pissed.
After someone knocked on the door we both got silent.and of course I didn't have a fucking peep hole. I opened the door to see Shawn standing there , my eyes got wide backing up , as he entered the room shutting the door behind him.
Alicia body was froze like she seen a ghost . He tried to appear as if nothing wrong with him but we both aren't he death in his eyes.
"Alicia.... I've been calling you "
"I been busy "
"Where's bell"
"With my mom ..."
He looked over to me then back at her
"So what I wanna know is how you two know each other "
Neither one of us said anything Alicia kept starring at me to speak but shit what the fuck was i supposed to say this is her fault anyway.
"So nobody wanna talk hunh ..."
Just I predicted things got hectic. Shawn pulled out his 45 pointing it in our direction. Alicia broke out in tears putting her back against the wall , terrified I backed into the living room table tripping and falling to the floor.
" Shawn wait " I said crying holding my hands out in front me.
"Somebody start talking .....Now!"
"Okay .... Okay "
Before I spoke she looked at me with a face full of sorrow , she knew if Shawn knew the truth he woukd leave her and Bella or worse kill her. I loved her but not enough love to lose my life over a fight that isn't mines.
" This is all Alicias fault "
" Kisha shut up ! "
" No ! "
Shawns face redenned with anger but more of curiosity. He lowered his gun and waited for me to finish.
" Shes the reason daija left you..."
"Kisha !!"
" When you guys started messing around she fell for you and she wanted you for herself but you wouldn't leave daija."
The more I spoke the more weight lifted off my shoulder but my heart got heavier not just in fear but guilt.
" She knew Derek ... She used him to make daija fall for him so she could leave you so she could have you to herself "
"She's lying "
I can't believe this bitch didn't understand the part about we finna die if we don't tell him.
" That doesn't explain why the fuck youre in the equation " he said starring me in the eyes from across the room.
" When daija left you she got upset because you still didn't want her, she was so pissed she wanted break daijas heart. She knew what time daija would be home so she planned for me and Derek to have sex so she could catch us. You weren't supposed to be there. She promised me nobody would get hurt "
" U skipping the fuckin question How TF does Alicia know you "
" When she found out about Daija and who she was she found me and offerd me money to carry out her plan ... She picked me cus I was her sister n she knew it would hurt her. "
Alcoa bursted into tears listening to the truth being revealed , regretting everything. His face started to lose color I would tell this nigga was about to lose it.
" How is shine involved "
" She wanted daija dead so she tried to pay him off to do it , but instead he caught feelings,gave her the money back and threatend to kill all of us if ever tried to hurt daija"
He cockd back his gun and grabbed Alicia by her neck picking her up and pointing it to her head. .
" Shawn please ..."
"Why ! "
" Because I wanted you "
Grabbing her by her arm dragging her along .he stormed out of the house slamming the door behind him
Still on the floor I curled into ball and continued crying my eyes out , but also relieved. Apart of me felt like it was over but I knew in my heart this was far from over.