Part 39
" Bruh I told y'all what y'all wanted , daija is my fiance we just been having some bad luck lately that's it. "
I wasn't telling them shit, if I did I would be on death row by tommorow morning, shit you know how many niggas I dropped hell nawl.
"Can I go now "
They knew they have evidence to hold me for anything and they crazy as fuck if they thought I was like anything like my dad or Shawn bitch asses.
"Yes sir you may leave. "
I got up and walked out. This shit was crazy someone really tried to report domestic violence in my fuckin house.
Walking into daija room she was holding naveah , but something wasn't right. He eyes were red and puffy and her cheeks were red also as if she'd been crying.
"What's wrong " I said sittinf beside her.
She looked at me and tried to hold back her tears.
"Nothing just happy "
She was lieng she could never lie right whenever looking at me that's why she looked away. Naveah started fussing and whining
"Baby , tell me "
She shook her head and let her tears fall, what ever it was she couldn't hold it in.
"Your daddy was here"
"What "
I stood up and sat on the side of her bed and started checking her body and checking naveah
"Did he hurt yall"
I can't believe this fuck nigga!
" When I woke up he was holding naveah , he said if I didn't get you to stay in Tallahassee , he said he was gonna sell her if I didn't find the combination to your safe "
I took naveah from her and kissed face bouncing her so she could could go back to sleep.
"It's okay daddy right here "
Daija grabbed some tissue and started wiping her face getting herself together
"What we gonna do now" she said laying her head on me
"I'mma take you and naveah somewhere they can't find you , and idk how my mother found you but I'm going to make sure noone can find you"
"Baby , he had bella ... He took her from her ."
"What happend to Alicia
"Idk but he did something to her , thats why he has Bella "
No wonder I haven't heard from Alicia , not that I gave a fuck because of that shit she pulled with Shawn.ALICIA
"LET ME OUT OF HERE !" I screamed banging at the door.
The only thing I as supposed to do last week was warn my mother about daddy, and somehow I ended up locked inside of the basement with bullet proof windows. It was dark and the only light I had was through the cracked windows.
I heard the door unlocking and I ran and sat back down on the couch.
I could tell this was planned out the basement was well decorated it didn't eeven look like one. There was a bed , a tv, and a couch.
I could hear someone coming down the stairs.
" You hungry "
It was my mom.
"Where's bella , where's my baby"
She stood across the room on the bottom step folding her arms in her house robe
"Why do you have to make things difficult"
"Why are you doing this to your son ... After everything he did for you ! How many times did he cut yards all morning to try and put food on the table because Dad kept spending your hard earned money to gabble ?"
"How many time did he protect you from getting your ass beat-"
"That's enough Alicia , grow the hell up you were a child we had problems im aware of that shit ,stop pretending to be so holey.
"Pretending? I don't have to pretend shit i know I've did wrong , the only person pretending is you "
"I'm grown my bills are paid so pretending isn't even my vocabulary child"
"Ya just like you pretended , like you didn't agree to sell Briana body on the streets-"
"Alicia I'm not doing this with you "
She tried to walk up the stairs but I stopped her right in her tracks.
"Just like you pretended, you didn't know about daddy touching on bri-"
"Watch your mouth "
"You told daddy you sent her away to live with her real daddy."
Her eyes started to water as she started to reminisce back to our child hood. She knew what I was saying was the truth , I may have only been 8 but there are some things you forget.
" Truth was you got jealous because he'd rather sleep with your 17 year old daughter other then his own woman, you did all of that and for what your still the same pathetic bitch who couldn't even protect her kids from a cheating , stealing-"
"SHUT UP! , your not half the woman I am , I made some horrible decisions but look where I am now! We both are mothers that came from nothing but from what I see I was the only one who made it out"
"Wheres my baby "
She didn't say anything instead she walked back up the stairs shutting it and locking it from the inside. I laid down on the bed and starting thinking of my Bella and how life was when Shawn was alive when it was just us.