12: "Youth is Wasted On The Young"

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As stupid as this sounds, I went back to my apartment. If I was going to leave I needed to bring clothes with me, and quite frankly I don't have the money to buy new ones. I dreaded walking up those stairs. I made sure Dominic was right by my side by intertwining my hand with his. With every step that I took, my heart started beating louder.
The door was cracked halfway open. I pushed it and jumped at the slight creaking noise it made.

My eyes couldn't believe it. The apartment was thrashed, like a tornado ran through it. Ripped pictures, broken glass and other miscellaneous items were scattered on the floor. By the looks of this, you could tell Jon was furious and he wasn't going to be fine until he found me. I stepped over the glass with Dominic trailing behind me. My room was a disaster. The drawers were emptied out onto the floor, Jewelry was stolen and things were broken everywhere.

I grabbed a duffel bag that was under my bed and started going around the floor, packing items as fast as I could. I didn't know if Jon was coming back, and I sure as hell did not want to be here if he did. Dominic sat on the edge of my bed picking up a picture he had found on the ground.

"Was this you and your family when you were younger?" He asked holding up the photo that had a slight tear in it.

I turned my head to observe the photo, "Yeah. That was our trip to California." I paused remembering that day.

It was our first time out of the U.K. and we were going to California. As a little girl I had always dreamed of living on the west coast like a movie star. That was the year before my dad died of cancer. I remember seeing the smile on his face as we landed on the tarmac at LAX. We visited all these sorts of places, but my favorite was Disneyland. It was every child's dream. It was so amazing being out of the house for once in my life. The last happy memory I had with my dad was when we're watching the fireworks burst from behind the castle. It was such a beautiful sight and I still cherish that memory today. When we got back home it was a treacherous journey of chemo and doctors visits, costing us thousands of dollars to unfortunately end in a losing battle. I sometimes wish I could go back and cherish those last few moments with my father. Life is too short to neglect the ones you love.

I relayed the memories back to Dominic and he just nodded, placing the photo in my bag. I stood there just looking at it and realizing how happy I was back then. Dominic placed his hand on mine which caused me to snap out of my thoughts.

"I won't let anything happen to you, Lex." He reassured me.

He made me feel so much better, almost like nothing in the world would be able to harm me. I gave him a weak smile and nodded. With that, I zipped up my bag and we headed out to his apartment.


This was the first time I had been to Dominic's place since the night at the pub. I stared at the various posters that hung on the wall.

"Here, I'll show you where you can put your bag." He motioned me to follow him, which I complied.

He led me down this long hallway to his room which had multiple guitars stuffed in the corner. He opened up his closet and I chuckled a bit.

"What's so funny?" He smirked.

"You literally only have 2 outfits." I snickered.

He shrugged his shoulders and laughed with me. I placed my clothes at the bottom of the closet.

"You know you can hang them up," He scratched the back of his head "you're going to be basically living here until we leave for tour."

It felt weird to just place my stuff in his room, it was almost like I was invading his personal space, but I knew he didn't mind and I felt safe.

It was growing late and my eyes began to get heavy.
I was closing them every 5 seconds only to be reopening them quickly afterwards.

"Go to bed, love. I'll be there in a minute." He placed a kiss on my forehead.

"You know what's funny?" He let out a 'hm' as he flipped through the channels on the tv.

"Last time I was here, I slept on your couch. Now, I've moved to your bed. Wow what an accomplishment." I waved my hands in the air.

He laughed and decided to turn off the tv, "I guess you're one lucky girl."

We hazily sauntered down the hallway and into his room. His bedroom was cavernous and cold, but still had a comforting and inviting feel to it. I let the blankets consume me as I watched Dominic remove his shirt and toss it to the side.

"Like what you see?" He chuckled and did a spin.

"Nah, I like more muscular men with "rock hard" abs." I teased.

"Oh yeah? Like this?" Dominic grunted and sucked in his stomach revealing his ribs.

I couldn't help but to laugh, which ended in me snorting. I covered my face so quickly as I felt the heat rising to my cheeks. Dominic bursted out laughing, and I couldn't help but join in.

"God, you're so lovely." Dominic wiped a tear away and placed a hand on my leg.

"I just snorted like a pig. How is that lovely?" I laughed.

"Maybe I like pigs." He snorted to mimic me.

I rolled my eyes and turned over on my side as Dominic turned off the light and covered himself with the blanket. His arm swung around to my waist and pulled me closer to him. In the darkness his cuddles are like a little touch of heaven. His arms wrapped right around me bring a peace I've never known before. In his embrace I start to believe that there is nothing out there to fear. He's  like the sun shining through on a stormy day, he is all I need.

I turned my body to face him. I expected him to be asleep, but he was wide awake. His emerald eyes filled will cheerfulness as a smile arose to his face.

"What?" I muttered trying to see why he had a cheeky grin on his face.

"Nothing, I'm just happy I'm here with you." He twisted my chocolate brown hair in between his fingers.

I couldn't help but to smile and bury my face into the crook of his neck. As I drifted off to sleep, I heard him mutter something faintly.

I love you.


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