21: "Black Hearts Club"

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Lexi's Point Of View

My eyes followed the rain drops that fell through the leaky ceiling. It never rained in California, but when it did you could feel the sadness that soared over the state. The atmosphere felt heavy, or maybe it was just my eyes. I haven't slept in almost 2 days. My heart has been beating out of my chest as I struggled to keep my head above water and not drown in a memory of Jon.

I stared at my body. My knees were bruised, scratches with dry blood around them. I felt disgusting. The things that man did to me. Man? Scratch that, a coward. I feel like a totally different person.

I laid there, tied up, in the corner. I was stripped down to nothing but my undergarments. That's how it's been for 2 days straight. Jon would get into one of his moods, then come take it out onto me. I never knew what I would get, either sexually or psychically hurt, but all I knew is that it happened multiple times a day.

It felt like my life was going to end right here, and I was ready. I was ready to let go and finally be free. What would happen to the people around me? My mom and my family would be devastated. My mind couldn't really formulate the idea of them being sad, it only kept driving to dom. Oh dom, he would be heartbroken.  I saw how his soul had dwindled the last time he lost me, think about how it would be for him losing me again but not being able to have me back.

The thought of dom made a tear curl up to the waterline of my eyes. The thing that hurt me the most was that I never got you tell him 'I love you'
and I don't know if I ever will get that chance again. I'll never be able to wake up next to his face again. I wouldn't be there to admire every mark that rested upon his face. I'd never feel the touch of his warm lips on mine. It felt like my whole life was vanishing right before my eyes.

'Please dom, I need you." I brought my head to my knees and whispered as I felt my tears hit my skin.

Jon has gone out to run some "errands"
He always had some kind of evil idea, and come back with something tailored towards me. That's when I had finally had enough. I needed help. I needed an escape.

I sat up looking for my phone. It laid on a small plastic table in the middle of the room. I took a deep breath and began scooting my body towards the middle of the room. It was almost too quiet for comfort. Any minute, Jon could burst through those doors and it would be an unpleasant surprise.

As I reached the middle of the room, I turned my back so it rested against the edge of the table. As much as it hurt, I used it to push myself to stand up. The only things bound together were my hands.
Blindly, I felt around for the phone finally finding it and holding it tightly in my hands. I slid my body back down to the floor and made my way back to the corner. If Jon came back, it would look less suspicious if I was found in the same spot.

With my tongue clenched between my teeth I struggled to find the microphone button. A loud ding echoed through the storage unit. I knew it was capturing my voice. I could barely speak, it was frail and hoarse. All I could mutter out were the words 'help'
I proceeded to try and send my location as well to dom in hopes of him being able to find me. I kicked the phone to where it was in front of me, and I had successfully done it. With a few minor spelling errors, it sent.


A couple of hours had now pasted and Jon had yet to return. It was now pitch black, besides a single light bulb lighting up the door way. I had slid my phone back over to by the table, to where it was now on the floor. I had yet to see if dom replied because I was too scared of getting caught. I'm not religious, but for those countless hours I spent alone; I prayed and prayed that I was going to end up okay. 

I prayed for my life,

My Family,

My Friends,

And the love of my life.

{Authors Note}

Hello everyone! I'm so sorry I have been M.I.A recently from Wattpad. It's been a roller coaster of emotions this last month, and quite honestly I didn't have the motivation to write. That does not mean I did not read every single one of your comments. I was living in the shadows! I loved seeing all your reactions to the story and honestly seeing all your feedback made me motivated to write again. It's crazy because I think when I last updated I had about 6k reads, which is already crazy itself, but I come to a month long break to see that we have reached 15k reads! This is absolutely crazy to me, and I'd like to thank every single one of y'all who have too the time to read,vote and comment on each chapter. You all hold a very special place in my heart. Thank you again for all the support!
Chapter 22 is coming soon :)

Xx -Parkhillromance

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