26: "Orginal Me"

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I woke up to the feeling of my head being rubbed. It felt too good to open my eyes. I only snuggled closer into the comforter. A 'mhm' sound escaped my lips as I stretched out a little bit more. I heard two snickers and whispers right next to me.
"Do you think he realizes it?" A male voice said. It almost resembled Adams.  "Fat chance, look at him all cozy." A female voice whispered back. It sounded too familiar, but my brain was too tired to function at that point.

The steady beeping of the hospital monitor and the sounds of quick footsteps rang through my ears. That's when I realized where I was and who the voices were. My eyes shot open and I sprang up fast.
"Good morning sleepyhead." I rubbed my eyes and focused them on the figure sitting in front of me. I couldn't believe my eyes.
"baby!" I said showering lexi in kisses finally planting a giant one on her forehead. A wave of happiness flooded over me and I started crying. It seems like I've been doing that a lot these past couple of days.

"I thought you'd be happy that I'm alive." she laughed. I chuckled at her too, "I can't believe it, you're okay." She nodded, "yeah, I am." She let out a surprised gasp.

Not too long after Doctor Alicante came in, "Oh! He's finally awake. I was starting to think he was in a short term coma" He grabbed the clipboard that hung on the end of the bed. "Okay, so we're going to test your motor skills, just by doing simple hand and toe movements."

He had Lexi hold up her hand and try to clench her fingers into a fist. She couldn't. He wrote something down. "That's pretty normal. Your nerves are still adjusting from being asleep so long to waking up. Nothing a little physical therapy won't fix." He smiles and reassured her everything was going to be fine. She only nodded, but you could tell she was hiding the feeling a pure nervousness.

"Mhm okay" He said while shining his flashlight pen in her eyes, "everything seems to be in perfect functioning order." He stuck his pen in his lab coat pocket. As he slowly sauntered over the trash cans to dispose of his gloves, he cleared his throat.

"Okay, I'll leave you all to catch up while I write your prescriptions." He waved and closed the door behind him.

Lexi looked at Adam and gave him a look like she wanted him out of the room. He put his hands up in defeat and winked as he left the room. She groaned as she pushed herself to sit up. I looked at all the cuts and bruises that rained all over her body. It was scary to imagine what she went through, and I wasn't there to help her. All of this could've been avoided if I was just there. I was so lost in thought, I didn't even realize she was talking to me.

"Bub?" She pushed my arm a little. I shook my thoughts out of my head and only replied with a 'hm' 
She frowned at me, and scooted closer to my side. Her head rested on my shoulder as I placed mine on her head. "It wasn't your fault." She picked at her cuticles, which had been dry from the lack of moisturizer. I stayed quiet, and only looked down at her shuffling hands. She cleared her throat, "I heard everything you said to me." I raised my head to look at her, she did the same. "Even the part about our future?" I asked, my voice hoarse from the amount of sobbing I've been doing. She nodded and smiled, "yeah, I nice house in the middle of  a forest town would be ideal."

I chuckled at her, "kids?"
She nodded again, "one boy and one girl" 
"Named dom jr and Lexi jr?" I looked at her.
"Maybe I shouldn't let you pick the names." She laughed.

God, I missed that smile, I missed that laugh, I missed her. She stopped laughing and turned to me. Our faces were just inches apart, I could feel her warm breath on my face. Before our lips met, I whispered a faint "I love you" to which she replied, "I love you too."  Our lips met and it was like a piece that was missing from me was restored. As our lips moved together, I felt lost in time, but as long and I was with her it didn't matter. My heart beat grew louder and faster until I could feel the pounding in my head.

"Cough, cough." We pulled apart to see Adam standing there. Our eyes darted around the room only to end with us bursting out with laughter.
"Leave it up to Adam to always ruin the moment." Lexi cover her face and laughed. "Before I was rudely bombarded with that visual, the doctor wanted me to tell you that he will be in shortly to get you ready to go home." He rubbed his eyes. "Nope, can't unsee it."

"Maybe it was better you saw that rather than the doctor." I shrugged at him. "Yeah, but now I got to live with that visual for the rest of my life." I took a moment to process his thoughts, "like when we're on stage, when I'm cooking dinner, or reading my future kids a bed time story. I'm going to have flashbacks of that." He shuddered. I shooed him away, "don't be so dramatic."
He only laughed and closed the door behind him. The door then opened and the doctor walked in. He walked to the side of the hospital bed and began to disconnect the IVs and different needles that were in her. He placed a pair of folded clothes on the foot of the bed and smiled, "congratulations, you're going home."

Authors note
It's been awhile, hasn't it? I know this isn't my best chapter, but recently I've lost a lot of my creative flow. Things have been pretty rough for me lately. I'm sure I'll be alright though, I've been working on my mental health a lot making it one of my top priorities. That being said, I'd like to hear from my readers: what would you like to see happen in the story? I have plenty of ideas but not enough of the in between details to make it flow. So please send me your suggestions. Either in the comments, or in my messages :) I hope you all have a lovely day/night depending on where you are.

Thanks for listening,


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