23: "Blasphemy"

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Fingers crossed behind your back, you poisonous    
     snake who taught you how to lie like that?


My heart pounded harder and harder the closer we got to our destination. The windy old road was deserted. Nothing but a single lamp post lighting up the asphalt every couple of miles. Finally, we reached a stop. Our GPS had cut out because there was absolutely no service in this area. The street had a sign that read dead end, and there was nothing but pitch black darkness swallowing the end of the road.

"It's a dead end." Adam said and he put his emergency lights on and pulled out to the side.

"Wait...what is that?" I pointed. I could make out a faint building in the distance. Adam flashed the high beams on the car only to illuminate a large green warehouse. It was dark inside, only a faint light that was moving around. Almost like if it were a flashlight. I knew she had to be in there.

"She's gotta be in there, man." I opened the car door vigorously and stood behind as I felt the cold air on my face.

"Don't you think we need weapons or something?" Adam leaned over the passenger seat to see me. I looked down at him and rolled my eyes.

"You could've said something before we parked our car in the middle of an almost ghost town."

He shrugged at my remark and placed the car in park. I then heard the drivers side door close. We stood there on both sides of the car. If she was in there my whole word will change, but if not I'd have no idea where to start. I was about to start running when I saw the door bust open and 3 large men running out. One of them was holding something over his shoulder. A knot grew in my stomach when I finally could make out the figure. It was Jon. He was holding something large and it was covered with a thin sheet.

"You don't think thats...her." Adam said even though he knew the answer. I looked at him, my face growing red by the second. All I remember is running after him and tackling him to the ground.

"Get the fuck off you psycho." Jon struggled to get out of my grip. He stopped fidgeting when he saw my face. "Oh, it's only lover boy."

I ignored his comment and looked at the figure wrapped in the sheet.

"Oh, that?" He looked down at it too, "I have a present for you." He reached for the sheet and revealed something that I had prepared myself to see, but never fully comprehended how bad the situation were to be.

"You cunt." I breathed heavily and then I blacked out. When I snapped out of it, Jon was lying on the floor. Blood was covering his face and dripped on his shirt. He slowly backed away on the palms of his hands.

I bent down face to face with the love of my life. I couldn't help the sobs that were escaping my lips.

"Call 911! Call 911!" I said in between sobs. By then Jon and his minions were in their van, halfway down the road. I didn't care, all I wanted was for her to be okay. I didn't want to face the harsh reality that she was gone. There was still a little ounce of hope in me that she would be late alright. I sobbed as I held her body close to mine. She was cold, her lifeless body slumped over in my arms.

Everything felt like it was running in slow motion. The muffled sound of sirens slowly became closer and I was shoved out of the way by the paramedic. I remember Adam grabbing me back as I screamed, trying to get out of his grasp. My breathing slowed down and I saw them shocking her body. I closed my eyes and dropped my head in my hands. I thought my world was going to crash and burn.

Then it all became clear.

"We got a pulse!"

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