18: "White Light, White Heat"

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Dominic's Point of View:

"I'm Yungblud and this is a song about Northern England!" My voice rang through the speakers that were placed throughout the venue. I began to strum the familiar chords like it was clockwork until I noticed something. My hands slowly went to from the neck and body of my guitar to my sides. Adam noticed too. He stopped strumming and signaled Mikey to stop drumming. The crowd soon went from loud cheering to quiet chatters. All eyes were on me. I saw Jamie and Alex mouth 'what are you doing'  from the side of the stage.

"I'm sorry." Was all I said into the microphone. I dropped my guitar and ran off the stage. I heard Adams voice saying 'we will be right back' in a nervous tone. My feet kept running through the backstage and out through the back door that lead to the parking lot. Nothing, she was gone. All that was left behind was a dust and gravel cloud from speeding tires. This couldn't be all her. Something was wrong.

Soon after Adam, Mikey and Alex ran out to catch up with me.

"What happened! Why did you just stop?" Adam exclaimed.

"Lexi, is gone man." I ran my hand through my hair and let out a deep sigh.

"Gone? Man, she's probably in the bathroom." Mikey shrugged.

They didn't know the full extent of things. Their minds were oblivious and had no knowledge of Jon or the prior events that happened to her.

"This isn't a fucking joke!" I picked up a rock and chucked it at an empty spot in the parking lot.

"Chill man, where do you think she could have gone?" Alex grabbed my shoulder and spun me around to face him. He studied my face intently, probably knowing every little wrinkle, sunspot and dark circles that rested upon my flesh.
"Man, you look rough. Is everything okay?" He continued to bombard me with further questions, as well as Adam and Mikey did,until I couldn't take it no longer.

"STOP!" I exclaimed. All of them shut up. "You don't know anything!" I placed my head in my hands and started to lightly sob.

"Then tell us man! You can't leave us here to keep guessing." I looked up at Adam as he said that. Tears were forming in his eyes.

"I'm worried about you." He gave me a pleading look. His eyes were digging through every inch of my soul to find what was wrong. Another sigh escaped through my lips. I had to tell them.

"Lexi... has an ex boyfriend who is psychotic." I took a second to regain my breath and continued to explain to them.

They all stood there in shock after hearing the facts that were news to them.

"So you think... that she was kidnapped?" Mikey gave me a confusing look.

"Don't look at me like I'm crazy" I crossed my arms, "I know somethings wrong."

"Doms right." Adam chimed in to stop the bickering between Mikey and I.

We all turned our gaze towards him.

"Lexi isn't the type of girl just to run off. I can tell that she really cares about Dom" he put his hands in the air as a sign of defeat, "Fucking hell, she's told me herself that she is so in love with you." He turned and pointed a finger at me.

We all sighed in defeat, we couldn't keep fighting.

"What do we do?" I asked facing Alex because he seemed like the only stable decision maker.

"We.." he sighed, "we cancel the show, and look for her."

Alex hated when we had to cancel shows. He wasn't only my tour manager, but he was also a really good friend to me. His eyes would always light up when he saw he laughing and singing on stage, he knew I was happy being in my element. But how can I be happy when the light of my life was ripped from my arms. I felt truly empty. He knew I couldn't perform like this. My mind was occupied with something else, how was he going to expect me to put on a fake smile and perform my heart out? I could never do that to the fans, they see right through me. My creepers made a shuffling noise as I drug my feet through the gravel and made my way back inside the venue.

Everyone in the crowd was still chatting amongst themselves. I sighed and ran in from the side of the stage. They all cheered, but soon quieted down as they saw I wasn't smiling.

"A lot of things are happening and to be quite honest, I'm not ready to tell the world yet. I hope you all understand that there are some things I want to keep private, as does everyone. This situation has taken a toll on me and I just don't think I can continue right now. It's with heavy heart that I say I have to cancel tonight's show." I sat on the edge of the stage with my head facing down.

"We'd rather you be alright, then to put on a fake smile for us." A fan said.

"I agree. We want to see the real you." Another chimed in.

they all began to nod and agree with each other and soon the room filled with 'we love you' and 'we're so proud of you'
I couldn't help but to show a wide smile.
"Honestly, you guys are best fans anyone could ask for. Scratch that, you're not fans you're family." I held my arms wide open to do a enormous group hug with the crowd.

"We love you all, thank you for being so understanding." Adam said putting his arm around my shoulder and waved at everyone.

After that everyone was slowly escorted out of the venue. We waited in the dressing room with papers scattered about the table.

"Okay, do you have any idea where she would go?" Alex tapped a pencil on the table.

"The only place I can think of is dronfield, but they couldn't have possibly gone that far." I rubbed my eyes because I was exhausted.

"Yeah, California is our only option right now." Mikey picked at the rips in his jeans.

"Great. California is humungous! How do we expect to find her?" Adam leaned his body agains the wall.

"Why don't we get the police involved?" Mikey added.

"Because, we don't have any real evidence that she's missing. Plus, they wouldn't put her as a main priority." Alex shook his head.

I let a defeated sigh, "This is hopeless isn't it?"
Everyone avoided my gaze, and that gave me my answer. They knew that it was going to be almost impossible to find her.
If they didn't want to help, I guess I was on my own.

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