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The dreaded day of Charlotte's funaral was finally here. The police found out that Ben was behind the wheel of the car that killed Charlotte. I knew that my nightmares had to mean something. They were trying to tell me that Charlotte was going to die. My heart was shattering into pieces as I put a red dress that my mother had owned until she died.

We all stood around the casket. Some people said a little speech, including me. It went like this.

The lost bond that I was looking for I definitely achieved. Our memories stayed alive throughout the years, and now they're more meaningful than ever now that you're dead because memories are all that I have now. I will keep these memories in my heart forever and that is a promise. You're extremely important to me and you always will be. You were my first love. I don't know where people go after they die. But I sure hope it's somewhere good for you. You truely deserve it. You deserve everything good in this whole goddamn universe that you are now apart of.

"I love you Charlotte. And I always will." I said to the casket and walked off.

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